Saturday, December 12, 2020

Watch the first six minutes of Tenet now, from home, on YouTube

Watch the first six minutes of Tenet now, from home, on YouTube

The Federal Trade Commission communicated it would sue to confection Proctor & Gamble's acquirement of razor as well-built as build ought visitor Billie on December 8th, citing P&G's existing dominion in the wet razor market. Billie originally launched in 2017 except has developed since, likely bidding P&G's interest as well-built as the FTC's concern.

Like Dollar Shave Club (but aimed increasingly at women), Billie approved to pitch its razors as a cheaper direct-to-customer optional to the pricier razors topfull at retail. It proved successful, and investors were interested. Except if P&G boosted Billie to its existing brands Gillette, Joy, as well-built as Venus, it could have eliminated one of its fastest growing competitors, teachings the FTC feared would lead to consumers productive higher prices.

This isn't the original time the FTC has stoppered a razor acquisition. In February 2020 it sued to confection Edgewell Personal Ought from chances Harry's Razors, with similar referring over consolidation. All this recent antitrust confrontation makes the billion dollars Unilever spent on Dollar Shave Club odd in retrospect, because the FTC at the time had no issue with it.

The FTC can try to unwind a donate if it changes its mind, though. Yesterday, the FTC communicated its preparations coextending 48 state attorney generals to sue Facebook in an compete to unwind its acquirement of both Instagram as well-built as WhatsApp. Facebook saw rapidly growing competitors in the social media as well-built as messaging spaces as well-built as chose to swallow them whole, before they could pose a real threat, like P&G numen be trying to do with Billie.

Obviously, contraposition inserted companies offering democratic social media products looks actual diverse from companies wires gunnysack razors.


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