Thursday, January 14, 2021

A fistful of Samsung Galaxy S21 phones is perhaps the ultimate leak

A fistful of Samsung Galaxy S21 phones is perhaps the ultimate leak

A popular period as well as frequentness tracking app has settled with the Federal Transposing Commission over allegations that it oratorio to users risky sharing private health information with third-party firms, including Facebook as well as Google. Flo, a period as well as ovulation tracking app, has increasingly than 100 mimic users.

In the complaint, the FTC alleges Flo told users their information would be kept private. Then it shared their shrewd health data, including the dates of their periods as well as their pregnancy plans, with outside companies that provided business as well as analytics services to the app. It additionally unavailing to limit how this documents would be used.

The move could okay immune Facebook to tour shrewd health information with users' profiles as well as wish ads at them increasingly effectively. As some users are increasingly accommodating to slice private information with an app like Flo than a offish social network, the disclosures can feel invasive.

"Apps that collect, use, as well as slice shrewd health information can provide venerated services, except consumers overcrowd to be commensurate to assurance these apps," said Andrew Smith, director of the FTC's Bureau of Softie Protection. "We are looking closely at whether developers of health apps are keeping their promises as well as jurisdiction shrewd health information responsibly."

News of the settlement follows a 2019 residency from The Bank Artery Journal, which revealed that Flo was secretly sharing shrewd user documents with Facebook.

A 2019 study published in JAMA Network Open additionally showed that apps marketed to people with derogation or who capital to give up smoking were sharing health documents with Facebook as well as Google as well.

As partage of the settlement, Flo has to notify users risky how their claimed information was shared as well as ask for their permission before sharing increasingly information in the future. The visitor additionally has to shoulder an self-contained inspect of its privacy practices. It did not scatter any wrongdoing.

In a statement emailed to The Verge, a spokesperson for Flo said: "We are gladsome to okay reached an limerick with the FTC as well as unrelenting the matter. We will be directing a conventionality segmentation into our policies as well as procedures as requested as partage of the Correspondence Limerick as well as shifts the FTC with sought updates. We are dedicated to ensuring that the privacy of our users' claimed health documents is categorically paramount."

Update January 13th, 4:35PM ET: This doctrine has been updated with a statement from Flo.


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