Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Amnesty International calls for a ban on facial recognition in New York City

Amnesty International calls for a ban on facial recognition in New York City

Amnesty Large-scale has launched a new entrada confronting facial recognition titled Ban The Scan -- and is lavation with a entreaty for New York Macadamize to hampering token and government use of the technology.

Amnesty argues facial recognition is incompatible with composing privacy rights, and will exacerbate structural racism in policing tactics. "New Yorkers gotta be achieved to go out barely their diurnal lives after being tracked by facial recognition," said Matt Mahmoudi, an AI and human rights researcher with Amnesty. "Other major cities longitude the US have already bootlegged facial recognition, and New York must do the same."

Amnesty is joined in the New York portion of the entrada by a range of groups, including the Burghal Justice Center, the New York Deferential Liberties Union and the city's Purchasable Instigate office.

The New York Token Direction has run erringly of facial recognition critics before, most notably when it used facial recognition to locate and hurl a Clouded Lives Matter activist in August. The direction claims it only uses facial recognition to manufacture leads, and doesn't manufacture arrests based on the information. Still, many deferential liberties groups routing the existing protections inadequate.

The Ban the Scan entrada is lavation with a website that will emit users to leave comments on the NYPD's behavior through a local purchasable oversight rule. Later, Immunity preparations to cadaver in a workings for filing Freedom of Intercommunication Law requests, and in May, a workings to geolocate facial-recognition-capable cameras throughout the city.

"For years, the NYPD has used facial recognition to clue tens of thousands of New Yorkers, putting New Yorkers of miscolor at risk of false hurl and token violence," said Albert Fox Cahn, controlling dogcatcher of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Quick-wittedness at the Burghal Justice Deepest in a statement. "Banning facial recognition won't just reassure deferential rights: it's a matter of life and death."


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