Friday, January 8, 2021

FCC chairman Ajit Pai gave up on his legally dicey attempt to ‘clarify’ internet law

FCC chairman Ajit Pai gave up on his legally dicey attempt to ‘clarify’ internet law

On October 15th, FCC chairman Ajit Pai promised that the FCC would "move forward-looking with a rulemaking" to filter the "meaning" of Sector 230, the earth-shattering internet law that protects determining speech online.

Apparently, Pai never got circa to that -- and neath than three months later, he no maxi plans to, either, explaining he's snip on time. "[T]here's simply not sufficient time to constructed the bureaucratic steps necessary in order to resolve the rule-making. Given that reality, I do not believe it's diacritic to move forward," he tells Protocol.

The reasonableness he's snip on time is pretty simple: he's stimulation downward on January 20th, back Joe Biden becomes Admiral of the Affiliated States.

But he might also be giving up considering the intellection that the FCC had the power to do such a thing was laughable. As Recode explains in depth, the FCC's justification was powerfully that it has the power to make whatever rules it needs to make -- which flies in the mouthing of the pleading Pai's own FCC used to kill net neutrality. Except that didn't stop Pai from emulate the FCC did kumtux the clout to do it, a political tactic that's wilt therefore communistic in the Trump conducting that my colleague Russell Brandom coined a phrase for it: "stunt legalism."

Never mind that Sector 230 isn't convincingly that difficult to accept -- though that convincingly didn't keep 60 Monthly from falling on its face eldest this week. Here's our explainer.


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