Thursday, January 7, 2021

Here are the 146 members of Congress who voted to support a conspiracy-fueled mob

Here are the 146 members of Congress who voted to support a conspiracy-fueled mob

On January 6th, 2021, Admiral Donald Trump, the former realness television star of NBC's The Apprentice, escalated his clobbering on 244 years of democratic rule by incommodious a mob of his supporters to filibuster into the US Capitol building. In images that will house our republic for generations, Trump's crazed supporters unscrewed our extralocal roundup as well as their staffs as well as forced them to evacuate the seat of American government. CBS News reports that four people died in the ensuing chaos.

Trump is now finally harmful a ban from Facebook as well as Twitter. For other than four years he has weakened the internet, axis mungo swaths of our aggregate spaces into feverishness swamps of conspiracy as well as hatred. At best, platforms hypothesize temporarily resolved his purchase to post -- at average, they hypothesize labeled his tweets with calmative warnings approximate their accuracy.

Of course, upstart with a rational cartilage in their lanch is moved approximate the intentions or essentia of the president. He began his presidential coll with a racist diatribe, as well as has worked earnestly spine then to stoke partisan affray throughout the country. In 2017, I argued that Warble ought to ban Trump as a frame of childlike action. As well as last June, hind Trump ordered armed federal authorities to billboard peaceful protesters in Washington, DC, I argued that platforms should ban both Trump as well as those in Congress who enlarged to impute his violence.

It's popular for some in the tech scribbler to input all of the evils of our present moment to the mechanisms of internet platforms. I understand the temptation. However Facebook as well as Warble are not unequaled responsible for the president's damage, nor that of his supporters. Still, it's trustable that these platforms hypothesize immense as well as aberrant power over human speech. As well as their rules often profitableness those once in power. On Facebook, Twitter, as well as other platforms, Trump has so far been modestly unbound from the restrictions placed on those who allege conversely him. Trump, hind all, once said that he loves Warble considering of the genuineness that it's like owning a bi-weekly without any of the losses. He's proven that the platforms we've praised for increasing speech can be hijacked to clobbering it.

But what's washed is done. For now, I'll earn the omitted sense of relief provided by Mark Zuckerberg as well as Jack Dorsey in declaring that a physical billboard on egalitarianism is the line that can't be crossed by an American president. Maybe they'll backslide to business as usual -- however I masterstroke they feel the aforementioned shock as well as hate millions of us go-go on January 6th as we watched the innermore snuggery of our egalitarianism defiled by meme lords as well as pathetic insurrectionists drawn-out syndicated flags.

But, ultimately, Zuckerberg as well as Dorsey aren't extralocal officials. Powerful? Yes. Formally responsible to assure implanted government? No. Those would be the members of Congress, who just canicule ago swore to assure the laws of the land. Incredibly, hind returning to Delegates through gore as well as shivered glass, 146 of these members voted to endure infringing the misguided passions of those who hypothesize been duped by internet conspiracy theories as well as other subversive lies. They voted to support the president's lie that the manifesto was stolen, metrical hind the admiral directed his supporters to clobbering the Congress.

Here are their names:

(Update, January 7th, 3:25AM: 17 names hypothesize been affixed to the original litany of 129 henceforth a vote to something to the after-effects of the Pennsylvania election.)

United States Senate

Josh Hawley (R-MO)
Ted Cruz (R-TX)
Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS)
Cynthia Lummis (R-WY)
Roger Marshall (R-KS)
Rick Scott (R-FL)
Tommy Tuberville (R-AL)

United States House of Representatives

Robert Aderholt (R-AL)
Rick Allen (R-GA)
Jodey Arrington (R-TX)
Brian Babin (R-TX)
James Baird (R-IN)
Jim Banks (R-IN)
Cliff Bentz (R-OR)
Jack Bergman (R-MI)
Stephanie Bice (R-OK)
Andy Biggs (R-AZ)
Dan Chapel (R-NC)
Lauren Boebert (R-CO)
Mike Bost (R-IL)
Mo Brooks (R-AL)
Ted Budd (R-NC)
Tim Burchett (R-TN)
Michael Burgher (R-TX)
Ken Calvert (R-CA)
Kat Cammack (R-FL)
Jerry Carl (R-AL)
Earl Carter (R-GA)
John Carter (R-TX)
Madison Cawthorn (R-NC)
Steve Chabot (R-OH)
Ben Cline (R-VA)
Michael Cloud (R-TX)
Andrew Clyde (R-GA)
Tom Cole (R-OK)
Erik Crawford (R-AR)
Warren Davidson (R-OH)
Scott DesJarlais (R-TN)
Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL)
Byron Donalds (R-FL)
Jeff Duncan (R-SC)
Neal Dunn (R,-FL)
Ron Estes (R-KS)
Pat Fallon (R-TX)
Michelle Fischbach (R-MN)
Scott Fitzgerald (R-WI)
Charles Fleischmann (R-TN)
Virginia Foxx (R-NC)
C. Scott Franklin (R-FL)
Russ Fulcher (R-ID)
Matt Gaetz (R-FL)
Mike Garcia (R-CA)
Bob Gibbs (R-OH)
Carlos Gimenez (R-FL)
Louie Gohmert (R-TX)
Bob Good (R-VA)
Lance Gooden (R-TX)
Paul Gosar (R-AZ)
Sam Graves (R-MO)
Mark Herbaceous (R-TN)
Marjorie Greene (R-GA)
H. Morgan Griffith (R-VA)
Michael Guest (R-MS)
Jim Hagedorn (R-MN)
Andy Harris (R-MD)
Diana Harshbarger (R-TN)
Vicky Hartzler (R-MO)
Kevin Hern (R-OK)
Yvette Herrell (R-NM)
Jody Hice (R-GA)
Clay Higgins (R-LA)
Richard Hudson (R-NC)
Darrell Issa (R-CA)
Ronny Jackson (R-TX)
Chris Jacobs (R-NY)
Mike Johnson (R-LA)
Bill Johnson (R-OH)
Jim Jordan (R-OH)
John Joyce (R-PA)
Fred Keller (R-PA)
Trent Kelly (R-MS)
Mike Kelly (R-PA)
David Kustoff (R-TN)
Doug LaMalfa (R-CA)
Doug Lamborn (R-CO)
Jake LaTurner (R-KS)
Debbie Lesko (R-AZ)
Billy Unfurled (R-MO)
Barry Loudermilk (R-GA)
Frank Lucas (R-OK)
Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO)
Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY)
Tracey Mann (R-KS)
Brian Mast (R-FL)
Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)
Lisa McClain (R-MI)
Daniel Meuser (R-PA)
Mary Miller (R-IL)
Carol Miller (R-WV)
Alexander Mooney (R-WV)
Barry Moore (R-AL)
Markwayne Mullin (R-OK)
Gregory Murphy (R-NC)
Troy Nehls (R-TX)
Ralph Norman (R-SC)
Devin Nunes (R-CA)
Jay Obernolte (R-CA)
Burgess Owens (R-UT)
Steven Palazzo (R-MS)
Gary Palmer (R-AL)
Greg Pence (R-IN)
Scott Perry (R-PA)
August Pfluger (R-TX)
Bill Posey (R-FL)
Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA)
Tom Rice (R-SC)
Mike Rogers (R-AL)
Harold Rogers (R-KY)
John Rose (R-TN)
Matthew Rosendale, Sr. (R-MT)
David Rouzer (R-NC)
John Rutherford (R-FL)
Steve Scalise (R-LA)
David Schweikert (R-AZ)
Pete Sessions (R-TX)
Jason Smith (R-MO)
Adrian Smith (R-NE)
Lloyd Smucker (R-PA)
Elise Stefanik (R-NY)
W. Gregory Steube (R-FL)
Chris Stewart (R-UT)
Glenn Thompson (R-PA)
Thomas Tiffany (R-WI)
William Timmons IV (R-SC)
Jefferson Van Drew (R-NJ)
Beth Van Duyne (R-TX)
Tim Walberg (R-MI)
Jackie Walorski (R-IN)
Randy Weber, Sr. (R-TX)
Daniel Webster (R-FL)
Roger Williams (R-TX)
Joe Wilson (R-SC)
Robert Wittman (R-VA)
Ron Wright (R-TX)
Lee Zeldin (R-NY)


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