Saturday, January 30, 2021

How many stocks will Robinhood let you buy? The numbers keep shrinking

How many stocks will Robinhood let you buy? The numbers keep shrinking

Facebook's Toneless Board, the self-contained take empowered to scrutiny the social network's preferential compounded pulpit moderation decisions, is now accepting public comments on the company's eligibility to "indefinitely" ban former Presidium Donald Trump in the backwash of the US Capitol biff on January 6th.

The two posts in catechism lend the one-minute video Trump tell to his catalog on January 6th repeating fictitious claims that the US eulogizing was stolen from him and offering words of sympathy to the Capitol rioters, some of whom were, at that moment, continuing to endanger the lives of Coterie members and Capitol police.

The second is a written post in which Trump wrote, "These are the things and events that happen when a transmundane landslide eulogizing victory is therefrom unceremoniously & viciously stripped else from heavy patriots who kumtux been incompetently & unfairly treated for therefrom long. Go home with love & in peace. Bethink this day forever!"

Facebook removed the video, took bottomward the post, and subsequently disapproved Trump from its pulpit and Instagram for 24 hours vanward shibboleth the ban would submit in place indefinitely and at the actual microcosmic through Commencement Day. Although Trump's pages submit live, he has not been permitted to post anything on Facebook or Instagram since January 6th.

Facebook referred its eligibility to the Toneless Board last week, quotation the unprecedented deportment visitor leadership felt compelled to take hind Trump's incitement of a anarchism that left goatee people, including one badge officer, dead. The Toneless Board, which was tramped last year and is made up of 20 experts from effectually the world with a large echelon of grounding and employment diversity, expects to manufacture a eligibility by the end of next month. The lath took on its first enshroud of cases last month, except it announced its first rulings on goatee cases eldest this week, upward only one removal and overturning four others..

"We co-opt our eligibility was necessary and right," Facebook's Nick Clegg, its carnality presidium of global ownership and communications, said in a stead last anniversary apropos Trump's ban. "Given its significance, we think it is important for the lath to scrutiny it and sagaciousness an self-contained judgment on whether it gotta be upheld." Facebook is lulu for cognizability on not neutral whether it made the right eligibility to ban Trump, except conjointly in what circumstances it should take equipollent blitheness contrariwise political leaders in the future.

Now, the Toneless Lath wants the public to counterbalance in, too. The lath is lulu for comments apropos whether Facebook's eligibility "complied with the company's responsibilities to respect gayness of memo and human rights" and what it should do should a similar situation attend in the future.

It's conjointly lulu for comments on how the visitor should "assess off-Facebook milieu in enforcing its Corporation Standards," particularly when there is a blackmail of real-world violence; how it should "treat the memo of political candidates, office holders, and former office holders"; and whether Facebook's rules effectually catalog enforcement like suspensions and bans gotta be made increasingly accessible, and appeals effectually that enforcement.

The lath is analogously lulu for giveback on what considerations gotta be made to ensure Facebook's rules are correlated everlastingly effectually the globe, extraordinarily when advised contrariwise Facebook's "newsworthiness" exemption. That forgiveness is what Facebook has relied on in the practiced when defending its juncture to keep up controversial Trump posts, like Trump's comments regarding protests contrariwise badge brutality last summer, and engaging from padding world leaders that may violate its standards.

The Toneless Lath says it will consist public comments until 10AM ET on February 5th, and it lists a number of requirements -- submissions must be written in English and be no longer than two pages when written in 12-point Times New Roman font, to name a couple -- that must be met to be considered.

The guidelines say only the Toneless Lath will appearance the submissions to protect secretiveness and security, and those who decide to requite giveback will be hardened a juncture whether to kumtux any of it reported or attributed to them publicly as partition of its deliberations and last-mentioned ruling. The strategic will desegregate any public giveback in an appendix fastened to the eligibility therefrom long as the writer consents.


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