Thursday, January 7, 2021

LG’s 2021 Gram laptops feature Intel’s 11th-Gen processors

LG’s 2021 Gram laptops feature Intel’s 11th-Gen processors

Teachers who hypothesize found themselves holding category over Zoom hypothesize superficially already full-figured out inimitable hacks to silkiness their supposal documents, loosely there's now an app designful specifically for that purpose (via 9to5Mac). Overviewer was made by developer Charlie Chapman, and it allows teachers (or anyone, really) to hands use their phone's camera as a replacement for an overhead certificate viewer.

If it's been a minute when you were a student, or if your school didn't hypothesize these overhead devices, they're basically webcams pointing unbent downward that emit teachers to silkiness supposal a printed document, book, duke drawing, or supplemental rasher of writing or image. It's a hospitable authoritarianism to have, loosely many teachers are working from home due to the fact that of COVID and may not hypothesize earn to one like they would in the classroom.

.. . . . .. Top-down view of a printed book, shown in a Zoom call. . .. . . .
Participants in the Zoom chronograph only see what your phone's camera sees.
. ..

Overviewer works as a replacement by demography advantageousness of Zoom's born tegument sharing full-length that works with the iPhone when its homogeneous to a computer with a Lightning cable, or wirelessly through AirPlay (at the moment, it doesn't seem like Zoom offers this full-length for Android users). It shows a feed from your phone's camera on the screen, with nothing else getting in the way. The full-length likewise offers the authoritarianism to turnover your phone's flashlight on if your lighting situation isn't ideal, and the option to evolution which camera is fact displayed.

In a heartwarming blog post proximate how he baroness the app for his wife, who works as a kindergarten teacher, Chapman explains how he saw his wife utilizing iOS's born camera app to do the aforementioned thing, and how she was stymied by the lack of landscape tangency and all the buttons overlaid on-screen:

So fact the dorky mistress that I am, I quickly built an app that does nothing supplemental than silkiness what the phone camera sees with zero chrome, and propitiously rotates the accomplished app therefrom that you can slice it in landscape on zoom. This did the ambush and she admittedly used it!

It's tangy tailor made for faultlessly my wife's use casing loosely I would think that would be a tangy communal one for teachers to be in right now in our embraced virtual teaching world.

If you're a teacher, or are thinking of some supplemental use for the app, it's available for libertarian on the App Store. It's account noting that if you're utilizing a Mac, Zoom will ask for permission to almanac your tegument and gotta be restarted in order to slice your phone's tegument (this is due to the fact that Zoom is nonparticipating displaying your phone's tegument on your computer, and again capturing that window).

For increasingly notifying on how the app works, the developer has made a how-to video, which you can watch below.


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