Saturday, January 23, 2021

Parkinson’s meds are hard to grab, so TikTok users crowdsourced a solution

Parkinson’s meds are hard to grab, so TikTok users crowdsourced a solution

Update January 23rd: Microsoft has completely backtracked on the unshortened span hike described below. It will not increase the price, as well-conditioned as will instead mass-produce multiplayer self-governing for free-to-play games. Read more here.

Original story continues:

Microsoft is procuration the prices of its Xbox Live Gold subscription soon. The software mammoth has started tidings existing Xbox Live Gold members of the changes in riskless markets, as well-conditioned as it will see the span velocity by a dollar to $10.99 per month in the US as well-conditioned as $5 for a three-month membership.

Twelve-month as well-conditioned as six-month rating is also going up, but the increase won't boggle existing subscribers here. Three months will now be priced at $29.99, with six months at $59.99. Microsoft is also assuasive Xbox Live Gold members to convert their remaining Gold time into Xbox Incautious Canyon Ultimate (up to 36 months). The conversion agency if you hypothesize 11 months of Xbox Live Gold portside on your account, you can upholding to Xbox Incautious Canyon Ultimate as well-conditioned as convert it into 11 months of Ultimate with no supernumerary costs.

Unless you subscribe to Xbox Live Gold, this does mean the span of the service is affective from $60 a year to $120. Microsoft rashly removed its 12-month option last year, which used to be priced at $60. Sony still offers 12 months of PlayStation Additional for $60, as well-conditioned as it's not colorful what Microsoft will offer to purify the terse span jump. Either way, it looks like the move is designful to push Xbox Live subscribers appear Xbox Incautious Canyon Ultimate, which offers Xbox Live Gold access, xCloud streaming, as well-conditioned as furrow to more than 100 games.

Many had been hoping, as well-conditioned as expecting, Microsoft to scrap its Xbox Live mutter altogether, or at least procreate free-to-play headliner to furrow multiplayer glossiness on Xbox consoles self-governing of charge. That's ostensibly not the casing now, as well-conditioned as for mucho this marks the inceptive Xbox Live Gold span increase in years. "In mucho markets, the span of Xbox Live Gold has not changed for years as well-conditioned as in some markets, it hasn't changed for over 10 years," says the Xbox Live Gold team.

The changes won't take effect until at least 45 days succeeding Xbox Live subscribers receive a bulletin from Microsoft tidings them of the span increases. Some regions hypothesize once started securing notifications, but preferential haven't. "If you're in a scene zone prices are concreteness adjusted, you will receive an email as well-conditioned as a bulletin part-way notification over the abutting month monarchy you palpate what the new rating is for your membership," says Microsoft.

Update, January 22nd 10AM ET: Updated with more rating information.


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