Friday, January 15, 2021



A developer going by the name of Patr10tic has created an intermittent map application GPS metadata as able-bodied as videos from the app Parler to offer a glimpse of what was happening central as able-bodied as often the Capitol compages during the worked-up protest on January 6th (via Motherboard).

The promptitude is an expansion on similar maps like the one Gizmodo created to liken just how many Parler users were part of the mob that occupied the Capitol building, based off an cartulary created by a researcher legit as @donk_enby. Patr10tic's map (currently selected "Y'all Qaeda") uses the aforementioned cartulary as able-bodied as connects GPS coordinates with all-out video, alms a map of red icons placed often the Capitol for festival associated video post.

Examination the videos has an unsettling quality, not just considering of the fact that of the pirouette of conspire theories as able-bodied as white abolitionist ideology on display, except conjointly the perspective they offer on the Capitol itself. Most people haven't shown the congruousness of Coterie as able-bodied as the halls of the Capitol alfresco of press photos or C-SPAN revelatory feeds. Seeing protesters milling barely in Jurisdictive offices feels strange, except it's even stranger seeing them wander through the Capitol building, unbothered, with police looking on.

Whatever feelings watching the videos provoke, the map as able-bodied as supplemental projects like it could prove vital to investigating just how the exercises of January 6th took place. Parler's once been reasoned as a site for planning last week's protests, as able-bodied as this growing, mapped compilation of posts shows that it was one of the main ways it was double-checked as well.


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