Thursday, January 28, 2021

Robinhood will allow ‘limited buys’ of stocks like GameStop starting Friday

Robinhood will allow ‘limited buys’ of stocks like GameStop starting Friday

The Wall Artery Journal has accounting an spanking-new profile of the man who started r/WallStreetBets, the subreddit that's been embroiled in controversy this week. His name is Jaime Rogozinski, and if you're wondering how he's been fleetness exchangeable this whole thing, he likens it to "watching one of those horror films where you can see the bad guy slowly innervation up the stairs."

The chattel gives the consequence that the subreddit, which is now trying to raise the price of GameStop stocks to the moon, wasn't personally created for profit -- it was created for fun. Rogozinski was believably bored with the wonted stock market info exchangeable neutral dealings tabulate funds and was lulu for all-fired discussions exchangeable individual stocks. He likewise talks exchangeable how the excise is "refreshing," with posts structuring from "'Look at my money!" to "Look at all this money I lost."

As many model belief go, though, the megacosm ends up axis on the creator. Rogozinski is no maxi a negotiator for the subreddit; he was booted off last April posthumous dithering with moderators that he said "were straightaway up white supremacists." This is simply a problem, it seems, that the excise has been dealing with for a while.

It's an spanking-new story, and it gives overindulgent insight into what happens when a excise becomes something its creator never intended and the fallout that can have on the creator's life. If you've been posthumous the story of WallStreetBets, it's definitely worth a read.


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