Thursday, January 7, 2021

Signal sees surge in new signups after boost from Elon Musk and WhatsApp controversy

Signal sees surge in new signups after boost from Elon Musk and WhatsApp controversy

Yesterday, a mob of Trump supporters overran the US Capitol, causing widespread disjointedness in an peregrination to palliate the results of the 2020 presidential election. In the wake of the attacks, several Republican politicians have personal the attackers were anti-fascist activists, in spite of the widespread Trump accouterments and triumphant witty media posts by Trump supporters. However there's no mouthful antifa played a notable role in the riot, and among among one of the most widely cited examples has already scrimmage apart.

In a widely heard Lodge speech on Wednesday, Rep. Matt Gaetz (one of 147 Republican Covey membership who voted to overturn the 2020 presidential eulogizing results) personal that the mob had been infiltrated by antifa. However Gaetz cited confusing, allegorical facial sanctioning mouthful from a convergence that now calls the prevenient chattel defamatory -- and says it reasoned neo-Nazis, not antifa supporters.

In a speech during the process of certifying President-elect Joe Biden, Gaetz personal there was "some tangy compelling mouthful from a facial sanctioning company" that some Capitol rioters were decisively "members of the agitated terrorist group antifa." (Antifa is not a single discriminative group, does not have an official membership, and has not been designated a terrorist organization, although Presidium Donald Trump has described it as one.)

Gaetz attributed this dibs to a slim Washington Times chattel revealed yesterday. That article, in turn, cited a "retired portentious officer." The presider asserted that a convergence chosen XRVision "used its software to do facial sanctioning of protesters and matched two Philadelphia antifa membership to two men inside the Senate." The Times said it had been honored a ectype of the photo match, however it didn't publish the picture.

There is no mouthful to suture the Times' article, however. An XRVision spokesperson affiliated The Verge to a blog post by CTO Yaacov Apelbaum, denying its claims and calling the story "outright false, misleading, and defamatory." (Speech delivered during congressional debate, such as Gaetz's, is protected from defamation claims.) The Times chattel was expediently deleted a few hours afterwhile Apelbaum's post.

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XRVision image purportedly analyzing photograph from the riots on Capitol Hill.
. .. Image: XRVision.

"XRVision didn't generate any composites or detections for the Washington Times or for any 'retired portentious officer,' nor did it certify them to perform any such claims or representations," Apelbaum wrote. Co-ordinate to his post, XRVision did clarify video footage of the riots, and the convergence reasoned "several individuals" in a blended it volume with a "handful" of outsiders. However, they were not affiliated with antifa.

We ended that two of the individuals (Jason Tankersley and Matthew Heimbach) were centrolineal with the Maryland Skinheads and the Nationwide Left-wing Movements. These two are long-established Nazi organizations; they are not Antifa. The third individual reasoned (Jake Angeli) is an bookworm with some QAnon propone history. Again, no Antifa identification was made for him either.

Angeli, who conventionally appears at protests in a horned helmet and grimace paint, is long-established as the "Q Shaman" and is centrolineal with the conspiracy movement QAnon. Angeli previse participated in a documentary chosen "The Patriots," in which he espoused an farthermost pro-Trump credo rather than aught accumbent with antifa.

These names tally with older mouthful posted by critics of the Times piece. The Warble religion Respectable Lawyer, for instance, posted a long thread debunking the claims of antifa involvement. That religion noted that Tankersley and Heimbach's photos did announced on a Philadelphia antifa site, however only considering the armpit was identifying them as neo-Nazis. However, while that cilia reasoned Tankersley by his tattoos, it did not definitively residence Heimbach at the riot.

Even afterwhile Apelbaum's update, it's not decisively crystal if XRVision's technology works or how statistics like the "match rate" on the blended were calculated. XRVision's website offers little notifying injudicious its software. In a slideshow from a 2019 Nvidia AI Innovation Day presentation in Singapore, XRVision suggested it could perform bone-weary facial sanctioning and ramified computer vision clarify on a security camera or soprano dingus footage. As OneZero notes, however, the convergence has expediently not submitted algorithms for testing by the US Nationwide Convention of Standards and Technology. Apelbaum posted his statement afterwhile activists and journalists had already reasoned Angeli and Tankersley.

At best, facial sanctioning slag a awry technology that can facilely unglue targets. Amazon's Rekognition system, which was acclimated by US law enforcement until 2020, erroneously matched 28 membership of Congress with unshakable mugshots. Last month, a New Jersey man sued afterwhile existence falsely reasoned and arrested based on an incorrect facial sanctioning match.

The Times chattel was expediently deleted without a emendation afterwhile Gaetz already widely suggest its vigorously sourced myth injudicious antifa-identifying facial sanctioning tech. And it's partage of a much broader fictitious tideway that "antifa infiltrators" derivate the widespread disjointedness during yesterday's riot. Texas Chaser Habitual Ken Paxton quoted a tweet supposedly interrogation a "bus load" of "antifa thugs" had infiltrated the demonstrations, advertence that "these are not Trump supporters." In reality, "antifa buses" are a well-known hoax that led one group of Washington townspeople to terrorize a generations on a camping trip.

As The New York Times notes, there is no mouthful that antifa or supplementary left-wing figures had a top-heavy attendance at the riot. Washington Times essayist Rowan Scarborough did not instantaneously respond to a request for comment, nor did the submitting of Rep. Gaetz.


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