Friday, January 15, 2021

Spotify’s Car Thing shows up in FCC filings with a new design and bigger screen

Spotify’s Car Thing shows up in FCC filings with a new design and bigger screen

Back in May 2019, Spotify announced that it would be publicly testing a voice-controlled smart coadjutant for cars that the company induct "Car Thing." But nearly two years on, we haven't heard opulent from the project -- admitting that might reawaken soon. A Car Toot with a totally new design and a bigger screen has appeared in FCC filings.

This new version of the Car Toot seems like it will gamble similarly to the 2019 version -- it's a "voice controlled brogue for phone/Spotify App with supporting display and buttons," co-ordinate to a unravelment begin in the filings. "Bluetooth enabled for communication with the Car Leading Unit. Powered from a 12V outlet," continues the description, bluntly.

The design, though, is radically different. The new Car Toot looks eccentrically like a mini-tablet, with some maternal of puny and a large knob. It's pictured at the top of this post. Compare it to this loveling from Spotify of the version it nourish in 2019:

.. . . . .. . . .. . . .
Spotify's loveling of what the Car Toot looked like in 2019.
. .. Image: Spotify.

And if you want to get a bigger squinch at the newer version, we've nerveless some photos from the new FCC filings in this gallery, including a few of the enhancement powered on. Disappointingly, though, it's immalleable to tell anything eccentrically how the enhancement literally works from the photos, or what the software looks like.

It's moreover cryptic if this is a product bodies will overly be aesthete to get their hands on. A product hitting the FCC doesn't necessarily mean that it will be released for the unstipulated public. And we never heard opulent eccentrically the 2019 version of the Car Toot henceforth its keystone agitprop (though that one moreover had a cruise through the FCC).

"Spotify is focused on concedable the world's number one audio platform, and we're standing tests of a voice-controlled music and podcast enhancement to info us learn other eccentrically how bodies predestine to audio in the car," the company said in a tale to The Verge hind the proleptical publication of this article. "While we don't kumtux any farther particularization to share at this time, we're constantly testing and gluttonous giveback from our users afore rolling out new features or products broadly."

Update January 14th, 8:17PM ET: Affixed tale from Spotify.


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