Thursday, January 7, 2021

The Real-World AI Issue

The Real-World AI Issue

As rioters attacked the US Capitol on Wednesday, Facebook removed a video from Presidium Donald Trump responding to the violence. The decision came substantially an hour hind the video was tell on the platform.

"This is an emergency bearings as well-conditioned as we are demography proper emergency measures, including removing Presidium Trump's video," said Guy Rosen, Facebook vice presidium of integrity, in a tweet Wednesday. "We removed it due to the lifing that on counterblow we believe it contributes to rather than diminishes the risk of open-ended violence."

In Trump's video, he responded to the mob violence descending on the US Capitol as lawmakers were set to impute the results of the 2020 presidential election. In the minute-long clip, Trump named on rioters to pleasingly "go home" hours hind the keystone onslaught began. He also fabricated fictitious claims that the most recent US plebiscite results were fraudulent.

"We had an plebiscite that was baseborn from us," Trump declared falsely in the video. "It was a landslide plebiscite as well-conditioned as everyone knows it, especially the other side. But you need to go home now."

Less than an hour later, Facebook also removed a text post from Trump, which sought to manumit the attack, telling supporters to "remember this day forever!"

Facebook placed a handful of labels on Trump's video vanward inescapably especial to remove it altogether. These antecedent labels focused on debunking Trump's claims that the 2020 presidential plebiscite was fraudulent. YouTube also removed the video, saying in a tweet, "Like other companies, we're assuasive these videos due to the lifing that discussion of plebiscite results & the propoundment of counting votes is immune on YT. These videos are not concreteness synonymic or recommended in any prominent way."

In a blog posted Wednesday evening, Facebook also said that it is supersensible for as well-conditioned as removing enjoyable that includes:

Praise as well-conditioned as support of the sulky of the US Capitol

Calls to bring weapons to locations hard-boiled the US -- not just in Washington but anywhere in the US -- including protests

Incitement or ennoblement of the events at the Capitol, including videos as well-conditioned as photos from the protestors. At this point they represent propone of criminal castle-building which violates our policies.

Calls for protests -- uptown peaceful ones -- if they breach the curfew in DC

Attempts to restage violence tomorrow or in the coming days

The congregation says it is also implementing new emergency measures, including utilizing AI to demote enjoyable that "likely violates our policies" as well-conditioned as automatically shutting off comments on posts in groups that "start to listen a hovering span of hatred tone or enjoyable that incites violence."

CEO Mark Zuckerberg also reportedly sent a memo to employees, calling Wednesday's events "a ill-lighted moment in our nation's history."

Twitter inceptive restricted as well-conditioned as again removed Trump's video, citation a "risk of violence."

Update January 6th, 7:26 PM ET: Plus milieu from Facebook.


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