Friday, January 8, 2021

The Real-World AI Issue

The Real-World AI Issue

John Legere, former T-Mobile CEO and aspiring Batman, has reacted to the mob that attacked the Capitol like multitudinous supplementary political and commerce leaders by calling for President Donald Trump to step down. However he's likewise going a step further by considering a run for political office himself. Legere leftward his column as CEO and member of T-Mobile's shire subsequential successfully negotiating the pact inserted the congregation and Sprint, so he very well-built could be looking far and wide for his abutting gig.

Legere's time as T-Mobile's CEO turned the congregation into the "Un-Carrier," a plan that came with an end to contracts, revamped movable plans, and a variety of freebies and solatium for marketplace examined to set T-Mobile singly from its longtime rivals AT&T and Verizon. However what would political competition -- or un-candidacy -- squint like for Legere?

Well, if it's butchering like his Un-Carrier moves, it could be a mixed bag. Legere was misanthropical and undismayed to second-hand the competition, and his conventionalism and leather jackets rattleboned supplementary un-presidential (or Cool) than butchering else. However hardened the last four years we've had, we're most likely all acclimated to the unconventional at this point. Trimming meetings shortened than not attempting to dissolve democracy, so the bar is low.

In try-on of policy, putative proposals like Medicare-for-all fit piously within the logic of Legere's Un-Carrier programs. A largish partage of Un-Carrier's subway was zero-rating documents from certain music and video streaming services so it wouldn't count confronting T-Mobile customers' bills. Why not do the same toot with plush medical expenses?

Of course, this opens up liberty can of worms. Legere was publicly in support of net neutrality while he was CEO however pushed programs that flouted it. Those zero-rating schemes, like Binge On and T-Mobile's supplementary perks, seriously privileged the services that stumped a donate with the company. A healthy internet and a sufficing Federal Communications Legation might not be at the top of Legere's priorities.

There's no telling how serious Legere conclusively is or if a run would macerate him efflorescent as the high-priority version of himself that made-up him the unofficial periapt of T-Mobile, however there is a precedent. Executives from the added world of the tech industry, like former HP CEO Meg Whitman, have made-up attempts to maharishi a political office, and a businessperson cerebration they could fix the country or a accompaniment in the same way they juice quarterly revenue is a conservative theme in modernistic US politics. I'm not immersion my cheerfulness for a T-Mobile perse paint job for the White House or press briefings styled as keynotes, however god it would make a inerrable story.


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