Monday, January 4, 2021

This LG display transforms from flat to curved for immersive gaming

This LG display transforms from flat to curved for immersive gaming

LG Display's latest prototype is unpretentiously a 48-inch flexile OLED console that can be instinct for gaming or flattened for watching TV. The visitor has shown off agnate manipulable TV prototypes before, like when it demonstrated a 65-inch TV meant for use central planes that could connive into a lineament for passengers to watch movies. This model, which is concreteness shown off at this year's viscerous CES, gloss LG Display's Circumstantiated Unadulterated OLED (CSO) technology, which vibrates the screen to aftermath audio.

The 48-inch TV could potentially oomph the immersive perks of a curved screen while gaming after forcing you to rustling with a curved screen's many downsides when you neutral appetite to watch TV. You can temporarily see the console in affectibility at the 19 second mark in LG Display's video below.

In agreement of specs, LG Brandish is emphasizing the gaming capabilities of its prototype, which can connive with a radius of up to 1,000mm. It's got a hovering refresh value of 120Hz, a variable refresh value range that goes from 40Hz to 120Hz, and a revisitation time of 0.1 milliseconds. It's also especial to way-out its screen to aftermath unadulterated -- a tractate that LG Brandish has previously shown off for its flat panels -- though we imagine most gamers would most okey-dokey adopt to use headphones or unsubstantial speakers.

This new ancestor is LG Display's latest illation with flexile OLEDs, which have previously included a rollable TV that packs up into a compact box when not in use.

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LG Brandish is also simulating off cellophane OLED panels, which it thinks could be used in restaurants.
. .. Image: LG Display.

LG Brandish is also simulating off a range of use cases for its cellophane OLED displays at this year's viscerous CES show. These include a "Smart Bed" with a cellophane OLED TV that rises out of its frame, a cellophane restaurant brandish that allows diners to see chefs at assignment defaultant it, and train familiar windows that can also brandish chump information. On the chump side, LG has also debuted a range of TVs featuring Mini LED brandish technology.


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