Saturday, January 30, 2021

WhatsApp is using Status messages—its version of Stories— to try to reassure users about privacy

WhatsApp is using Status messages—its version of Stories— to try to reassure users about privacy

Facebook-owned messaging app WhatsApp has started posting Status reports to users circa its "commitment to your privacy." The in-app reports were efflorescent for associates of The Verge staff in the US and UK on Saturday, and some users reported the Status reports -- WhatsApp's adaptation of Snapchat Stories or Cheep Fleets--have been efflorescent in India for a while now.

"There's been a lot of misinformation and defoliation circa our recent amend and we want to help everyone winnow the facts abaft how WhatsApp protects people's privacy and security," a WhatsApp surrogate said in an email to The Verge. "Going forward, we're innervation to reconcile updates to persons in the Status tab accordingly persons imprison from WhatsApp directly. Our inceptive amend reaffirms that WhatsApp cannot see your personal messages, and neither can Facebook, because they are protected by end-to-end encryption."

The reports read "One thing that isn't new is our cram to your privacy," and a reminder that "WhatsApp can't read or listen to your personal conversations as they're end-to-end encrypted."

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WhatsApp adds Status updates circa its privacy policy
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The reports are partition of a larger effort from WhatsApp to dispel misperceptions circa an utilizable amend to its privacy policy. The amend is meant to explain how businesses that use WhatsApp for customer service may teemingness logs of their chats on Facebook's servers. WhatsApp previewed the changes to commerce chats in November. Honored Facebook's history of privacy blunders, however, users misinterpreted the changes to the privacy process to measly WhatsApp would crave supervision sensitive contour intercommunication with Facebook.

The company posted an FAQ page circa the changes, and has pushed inadvertently the date the amend will booty effect from February to May. It issued a statement beforehand this ages addressing the defoliation to reiterate what the new privacy process would cover:

The amend does not fecundation WhatsApp's data supervision practices with Facebook and does not appulse how persons communicate ultramodern with hobnob or generations wherever they are in the world. WhatsApp remains drastically dedicated to providence people's privacy. We are communicating directly with users through WhatsApp circa these changes accordingly they have time to scrutiny the new process over the debouch of the verging month

Amid the ensuingly confusion, rival messaging apps Signal and Telegram have both reiteratively seen a surge in new users. Telegram said last week it's boosted the ableness for users to import their gloze history from WhatsApp. And Signal has added new mainstream gloze features like cheered stickers and wallpapers to its app.


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