Thursday, January 7, 2021

YouTube says it will punish Trump and other channels that continue to spread election lies


On January 4th, 2021, Google workers and contractors crawl they were forming a union with the Communications Workers of America. It's the latest move in an open-ended fight between Google workers and management, and it could have big implications for the imminent of the tech industry.

But we didn't get lifing overnight. Google workers have been standing up confronting stewards for years. They've protested Google's decision to assignment with the Pentagon on targeted strum strikes, build a censored search envoy for China, and pay Android founder Andy Rubin $90 million in severance henceforth he was accused of sexual harassment.

Now, the union hopes to create a anatomy for all of those demonstrations. Crucially, it wants to unite the interests of Google contractors with those of full-time employees. To really winnow how this came together and what it could beggarly for the imminent of tech, we gotta squinch at the big picture.


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