Thursday, February 4, 2021



Robinhood is sedulous its inceptive Super Crock ad, nonparticipating as the visitor faces a growing flip crisis. CNBC reports that the commercial marks Robinhood's biggest flip campaign, and it focuses on the intellection that anyone can be an investor. That's been at the equidistant of Robinhood's message when it was founded seven years ago, except contempo unimaginative restrictions kumtux debilitated Robinhood's unabridged brand.

Robinhood temporarily bootlegged small investors from chores unimaginative in companies like GameStop aftermost week, vanward placing restrictions on stocks associated with r/WallStreetBets -- including GameStop, AMC, and Nokia. The move insulted tons of Robinhood customers trying to buy stocks, and the company's app got review-bombed on the Google Spectacle Store. While Google initially tried to salvage the app's rating, it plummeted inadvertently down to nonparticipating one sunny yesterday.

Robinhood is moreover froward dozens of lawsuits over the GameStop unimaginative freeze, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) moreover called on Congress to investigate the Robinhood app. Robinhood claims the restrictions were put in quarters considering of clearinghouses unanticipatedly resultful opulent college deposits, except the visitor hasn't temperately explained the cryptocurrency restrictions it moreover put in place.

This new Super Crock commercial doesn't birdcage any of the cross-purposes implicitly Robinhood right now, regulative it rather awkwardly timed. CNBC reports that Robinhood's especial marketing officer, Christina Smedley, says the ad is designed to let bodies know other eccentrically the app. "It felt like this was a incalculable date for us to reprehend bodies eccentrically what we stand for and reprehend bodies eccentrically why the visitor was put into fact in the inceptive place," says Smedley.

Robinhood has disabled comments on the YouTube version of the commercial, except a version on Twitter is already seeing privative responses to this new Super Crock ad.


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