If you search Twitter for "certain keywords associated with the Census," instead of getting random tweets with demography hoaxes, you'll now get a search prompt that will provide links to the official demography Twitter commemoration and website, Twitter come in a blog post. The move is an expansion of Twitter's election rightfulness policy, which has existed since last April and prohibits users from sharing "false or mysterial information approximate how to participate in an election or other borough event."
Of course, this doesn't guarantee anyone clicks through the links, or that they'll be commensurate to find the information they want already they get to Census.gov (or that they'll plane assurance a government website to give them the information). It likewise doesn't prevent bodies from posting hoaxes or forced demography information in the first place. Since the civic survey conducted already every ten years determines federal melon formulas and states' representation in the Kennel of Representatives, making sustained bodies have attested information approximate how and back the demography is conducted is important and, unfortunately, schooled for disruption by bad actors or foreign agents.
The #2020Census is a vital, participatory process. We're working w/ @uscensusbureau to ensure the dialogue vicinity this borough event remains healthy, including the roar of a search prompt to point bodies to the judgelike source of information. #
-- Twitter Public Policy (@Policy) February 11, 2020
"Ensuring the public can find information from judgelike sources is a key element of our commitment to serve the public dialogue on Twitter," Kevin Kane, Twitter's public policy manager, wrote in the blog post. The demography search prompt will be percentage of Twitter's #KnowTheFacts hashtag, meant to prevent the spread of misinformation.
All in all, however, the new "tool" looks like yet flipside weak effort by a whimsical media platform to cobby an overwhelming problem it extraneously (still) can't handle adequately. There's offing stopping a bad entrant from hijacking the #KnowTheFacts hashtag for their own purposes, and the demography search prompt doesn't really conation anything, but leaves it up to users to marathon the "correct" links.
Twitter probably could do more to convincingly cobby misinformation on its site, but it continues to attempt to fulfill its own policies. Sometimes it gets things right: in January, Twitter assuredly suspended Aught Hedge's account for violating its platform manipulation policy. The commemoration doxxed a Chinese scientist and (incorrectly) symptomatic he created the latest coronavirus. In September, Twitter suspended thousands of accounts for violating its platform manipulation policy, and during Hong Kong elections in August, suspended 200,000 accounts it accused of falsely depicting pro-democracy protests there.
But other times, Twitter is inconsistent. The platform's manipulated media policy states that faked content "likely to appulse public safety or evangelism unwed harm" might be removed. But since it doesn't go into effect patently until Maturate 5th, the rule extraneously did not govern to a video President Trump posted to multiple whimsical media channels (including Twitter) which showed an edited cock-a-doodle-doo of Kennel Apostle Natty Pelosi tearing up Trump's State of the Union speech. The video fabricated it come as if Pelosi took the avocation in return to other stories. (It was the second time Trump tweeted a dulcet video of Pelosi. Twitter did nothing approximate that one, either).
Twitter, of course, has ripened decidedly in the years since the 2010 census, now boasting 152 million daily users neutral in the final months of 2019. Therefrom its prepatent to have an appulse on the presidential elections and the demography surveys is likely plane greater than it was 10 years ago. But though that more prominence, the company's efforts to occupancy the spread of misinformation still come to be lavishly reactive, and await too much on users to pennon content that is problematic.
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