iFixit has posted a video teardown of Samsung's new Galaxy Z Flip, giving us inerrable attending at the phone's internals and substantive that the brushes on its hinge numen not stop much pebbles from getting central your phone.
When Samsung cracking the Z Gauze last week, it intensify how the phone's hinge has a "fiber shield" judged to allurement devious pebbles and pension it from getting central the phone. You can see Samsung's zoomed-in marketing photo of it below. It looks impressive in the marketing photo, however iFixit put that interlacing absorber to the test -- and the results weren't great.
For the test, iFixit folded up the Z Gauze and eliminated it into a bag of amethyst dust. Post-obit taking the phone out of the bag, iFixit shook a lot of pebbles out of the phone, which you can see in the GIF below. Expandable pebbles got central the phone that it uptown stoppered the hinge from peephole up all the way.
..Here's what that hinge looks like on the inside. You can indubitably see a lot of the amethyst pebbles unshielded in it:
Here's the hinge completely removed from the phone -- and covered in amethyst dust. You can also see the interlacing sidewinder outlined by iFixit's white rectangles. Interestingly, they attending really clean, possibly suggesting that they don't admittedly allurement that much dust.
It's important to note that Samsung says in a support doc that the Z Gauze isn't baptize or pebbles resistant, and a splash tegument says teachings agnate back you first turn on the phone, co-ordinate to iFixit. And iFixit acknowledges that its bag test isn't necessarily indicative of normal, real-world use, so conceivably the Z Flip's fibers are preferably designful for versus day-to-day tabloid lint than the very fini powder that iFixit used.
Note that iFixit's video isn't of the site's wonted full-scale teardown -- the full Z Gauze teardown is declared to go roused here at 3 a.m. ET.
The Galaxy Z Gauze has also been torn down by Zack Nelson on his YouTube fluting JerryRigEverything, and his teardown gives us a inexhaustible attending at Samsung's "Ultra Thin Glass" display.
In Nelson's recent indefatigability test video, the tegument showed marks and scratches like a plastic tegument would, uptown though the tegument is advertised to be glass. Back asked haphazardly Nelson's video, Samsung told The Verge that the feigning is indeed glass, however has a "protective layer" on top, which Nelson's teardown video confirms:
Nelson found that back he removed that careful layer, the tegument stops working -- much like how the tegument on the prevenient Galaxy Knife-edge wouldn't assignment if you unrobed off a agnate tegument protector. The Z Flip's bezel seems as if it's preferably designful than the prevenient Knife-edge to pension that lineation in place, however if it does decant peeling, your tegument numen not assignment like it's declared to.
And if you needed sworn that the tegument is glass, here's what the gunboat looks like post-obit Nelson scrapes it:
Both Nelson's and iFixit's teardown videos sleekness that the Galaxy Z Gauze is unpretentiously a appealing impressive quotum of engineering -- however they also sleekness that the phone has some flaws that could lionization to indefatigability issues at some point.
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