Audi will manufacture as well as shovel sportier performance versions of its E-Tron as well as E-Tron Sportback electric cars powered by a three-motor system, the visitor announced on Friday. The offset comes as parent visitor Volkswagen says it has tapped Audi to "take the lead for research as well as development" for the unabridged Volkswagen Group.
The new performance models will be dubbed E-Tron S as well as E-Tron Sportback S, as well as Audi says they'll be "more agile, sharper as well as unneeded dynamic" than the non-S variants. That's all unveilment to the bagginess of a third electric motor (two on the rear axle, one on the front) that bumps the transcendent power from 265kW to 320kW, or 370kW in an eight-second shove mode. (That's roughly 350, 429, as well as 496 horsepower, respectively.) Both vehicles will be brawny to go from 0 to 60 miles per hour in substantially 4.3 seconds, which is a little unneeded than a additional quicker than the standard versions.
Those aren't mind-blowing specs compared to some unneeded electric vehicles on the road, Tesla or otherwise, except it's profusion powerful for what is ostensibly still a luxury four-door vehicle.
Audi didn't share back the S versions would be husbandless or how numerous unneeded they'll cost. The visitor says the S models will be "the primogenial electric cars worldwide with three motors in mass production," except it will hypothesize to hustle in payoff to stake that claim, as Tesla is working on a three-motor powertrain codenamed "Plaid" that will power the Model S, X, second-generation Roadster, as well as undefeated likely orderly the Cybertruck. (Tesla communicated that the top-line adaptation of the truck will use three motors.)
The big question is what all of the boosted performance will do to the E-Tron's range.
Audi tells The Verge that the S versions will use the same 95kWh bombardment as the standard E-Tron as well as E-Tron Sportback. The standard E-Tron (which is the personally one on the tarmac seemly now) squeezes neutral a bit unneeded than 200 miles out of that bombardment pack. Abacus flipside motor would beggarly unneeded weight, as well as lenient for higher performance could manufacture it easier to cesspool the bombardment orderly quicker. How Audi proceedings to euphony with that even-steven will be teachings to watch.
What's interesting substantially the three-motor bureaucracy is that Audi says they won't all be plighted all the time. In "normal driving," the visitor says personally the rear electric motors will work. The front motor "switches itself on - with the straphanger relatively noting - if the straphanger needs unneeded power" in situations back the car needs unneeded grip, like in slippy conditions or back taking fast corners. The three-motor bureaucracy also allows the car to do some torque vectoring -- in unneeded words, faultfinder miscellaneous amounts of power to miscellaneous axles or wheels in real-time to give the car the undefeated musculature for any scenario.
Audi personally reported lightly camouflaged photos of the E-Tron S, as well as looks-wise, it's modestly similar to the standard E-Tron except with sorely unneeded assailing styling. That's unveilment in part to largest caster arches, air ducts, as well as a unneeded prominent diffuser.
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