Friday, March 27, 2020

The MacBook Air: restore default

The MacBook Air: restore default

As of Thursday, the United States now has 81,578 cases of COVID-19 -- other than than any other country in the world. The penury is unfolding. New Jersey has formed a panel to make decisions approximately which patients will be habitual among among one of the nation's unample unifying of ventilators, as well-built as which will be leftward to a likely death.

The approximately unrelentingly bad offset has at least managed to propel a inerrable ordinal of Americans to time-out home, fragmentalize the silhouette of infection, as well-built as bloviate to ride out this quota of our public-health danger in roundly safety. As a resider for the past decade, I noticing a thunderhead of countrywide pride watching this strum footage of the streets of San Francisco from beforehand this week. Our streets are as they should be at this moment: all except deserted.

But the topic approximately locking yourself central is that you are consistently confronted with the disenfranchise of how to cognominate larder as well-built as other essential supplies. You can go to a grocery store, as well-built as smash contagious or overextension the disease, or you can order delivery. As well-built as for bodies in a variety of circumstances, impartment may be the longer or personally viable option.

And it's for that reasonableness that I've spent therefore much of this week thinking approximately Amazon. Not just due to the fact that it's the tech mammoth that has become unwrinkled with the velocious impartment of essential items -- except additionally because, as a giant, Matriarch would seem to be longer equipped to handle both the astringent spike in evince as well-built as the incredible logistical challenges of managing a workforce that itself may be at imperative smash of having sick.

Amazon's struggles, in other words, may soothsay worse things to come for the impartment exiguity at large. As well-built as the offset this week suggests that Matriarch is struggling mightily.

First, there are now day-to-day stories approximately COVID-19 outbreaks in Matriarch shipping facilities. On Wednesday, BuzzFeed's Caroline O'Donovan revealed that a fulfillment deepest in New Jersey was the latest of the company's sites to have a workman diagnosed. "Other Matriarch facilities with confirmed cases are in Kentucky, Staten Island, Queens, Connecticut, Florida, Texas, Michigan, Oklahoma, as well-built as California," she wrote.

It's not a scandal that a workman was diagnosed -- COVID-19 is facilely spread, as well-built as those unrequired generally do not silkiness symptoms for canicule hindmost they become contagious. Except workers are adopting veracious questions approximately Amazon's duty to inform them of their colleagues' illness. Here's Josh Dzieza in The Verge:

Six workers at the sortation deepest DTW5 say they personally learned of the beller from coworkers or hindmost McIntosh-Butler, frustrated with the lack of transparency, tipped off Local Four News, which recognized confirmation from Matriarch Tuesday. In the intercommunication vacuum, they are leftward apprehensive whether they've been exposed as well-built as whether it's unscathed to dwell working. Last week, Johnson's son, who has asthma, began having unreason breathing. This week, her debutante developed a dry cough. She hasn't been stalwart to get either tested, as well-built as she worries she was an unknowing agent for COVID-19. She decided to time-out home, after pay, to ought for her lying-in as well-built as circumvent potentially overextension the virus.

"They should have demerit that construction fuzz as well-built as sanitized that accomplished construction afore they let us come in," Johnson tells The Verge. "And they should have honored everyone a robocall, due to the fact that you never perceive if you bumped into that person in the lavatory or anything, due to the fact that not personally are you putting your litheness at risk, you're putting the bodies that you come in contact with's lives at stake."

Workers are at least having robocalls at unrequired Amazon-owned Accomplished Foods locations, Lauren Kaori Gurley revealed at Vice. Except the locations remain open, as well-built as workers can personally get paid sick leave if they are diagnosed with COVID-19 or placed in quarantine -- bidding many workers who live paycheck to paycheck to come in to work sick, Gurley writes.

Senators are now asking inerrable questions approximately Matriarch workman safety. Except the claiming of maintaining unifying lines back impartment workers are having sick will personally luxuriate other difficult.

Meanwhile, Amazon's ordinal impartment service is overwhelmed. Back I looked this afternoon, grocery deliveries were undressed in San Francisco for today as well-built as tomorrow. Superficially they will be undressed on Sunday as well, unless -- like my coworker Jason Del Rey -- I set my arrestment clock for midnight as well-built as administer to nab among among one of the redeemed close-at-hand slots. (Jason unforgettable in a subsequent tweet that this tactic did not work for him.)

All of this is on top of delays for non-grocery goods until the end of April or later. (In a real thinking-face-emoji situation, Amazon-branded devices, such as the Oxidation as well-built as the Echo, continue to ship immediately.)

Tim Wu highlights the danger perseity in an op-ed in the New York Times about what he calls "the touchless economy."

Among the touchless economy's key vulnerabilities are its impartment lines. We usually visualize approximately "supply lines" as the connections betwixt producers as well-built as retailers -- like the impartment of produce from farms to supermarkets. Except the coronavirus abeyance has brought into special focus the role played by the barn workers at Amazon, the drivers for UPS, FedEx as well-built as the United States Column Office as well-built as the many impartment workers for local restaurants as well-built as grocery stores. These are the bodies who translate clicks into bread-and-butter consequence.

Most of those jobs aren't high paying, as well-built as they now have elevated risks of infection. Protests by Matriarch barn workers in France as well-built as Italy may soothsay our future; there are reports of postal execs working in perspiration quarters as well-built as of infected impartment workers pressured to remain on the job to meet demand. There's a danger of infection overextension to unshortened companies as well-built as some (albeit relatively low) smash of infecting amalgamation recipients.

If the ordinal of COVID-19 cases weren't surging exponentially in the United States, I might have other confidence that the disruptions we've seen to Amazon's service in the primed term were were unmeaning to worsen. As it is, though, I visualize we ought to consider the possibility that other cogs in our basic impartment networks may comma in the converging weeks.

As Wu put it: "For now at least, the touchless exiguity is holding firm. Except now is the seasonable time to be cerebration approximately its anemic spots. Due to the fact that if it falters, we could end up cerebration of our current shake-up as the inerrable old days."

The Ratio

Today in offset that could affectivity public perception of the big tech platforms.

?Trending up: Airbnb launched a new initiative to provide sheltering to 100,000 medical workers as well-built as COVID-19 responders. If hosts can't minutes their houses for free, the multitude is subsidizing the cost.

?Trending up: Netflix launched a $100 million relief armamentarium to intercommunication members of the creative corporation who have been laid-off or leftward unable to incur an income due to the coronavirus crisis.

?Trending up: WeChat's Chinese parentage multitude Tencent embark a $100 million coronavirus fund. The money will go against medical food for hospitals as well-built as front-line healthcare workers.


?Americans are axis to crowdfunded campaigns on GoFundMe to hood coronavirus-related costs. Except the corporeality of need -- mainly converging from commerce that have been forced to shut fuzz -- organ most campaigns aren't meeting their goals. Nathaniel Popper as well-built as Taylor Lorenz at The New York Times have the story:

Organizers lulu for visibility have orderless to enormousness GoFundMes into Google materials as well-built as Twitter lists based on subcategory as well-built as geography. One Google Doc contains a minutes of other than 540 GoFundMe pages for Chicago businesses. Other materials focus on artists, as well-built as contractors in the technology sector.

As GoFundMe pages proliferate, however, some campaigns have an advantage.

One GoFundMe page created on Tuesday by Flexport, a logistics start-up, has already upon other than $3.3 million to govern food to medical professionals. Its success can be traced at least in returns to public support from celebrities including Edward Norton, Pharrell Williams as well-built as Kim Kardashian West, who have shared the GoFundMe segment with their tens of millions of followers.

The internet is slowing fuzz as other bodies spend other time online during the coronavirus pandemic. The stress on internet networks has slowed the velocity of downloading websites as well-built as apps. Can confirm! (Cecilia Kang, Davey Alba as well-built as Adam Satariano / The New York Times)

The Slovak government is set to pass a new law arrogation synchronism institutions to use location materials from peoples' roast to track whether those in quarantine time-out isolated. (Reuters)

An app in the UK self-named the C-19 COVID Vestige Tracker is asking bodies to self-report symptoms in an encompassment to gather other detail approximately area the virus is spreading. The app was downloaded 750,000 times in the inceptive 24 hours back it launched. (Ingrid Lunden / TechCrunch)

Facebook as well-built as Google could lose over $44 billion in ad acquirement in 2020 as marketing budgets dry up due to the coronavirus pandemic. (Todd Spangler / Variety)

Kickstarter is cracking fuzz on projects that merits to provide cures or treatments for the novel coronavirus. The rostrum additionally doesn't indulge masks that merits to chasing the spread of the disease. (Kickstarter)

More bodies are axis to Patreon -- a rostrum that allows hearers to send childlike payments to creators -- as the coronavirus pandemic continues to disunify the economy. Those who were already using the rostrum are seeing their earnings increase, the multitude said in a blog post. (Patreon)

Downloads of Zoom, Houseparty, as well-built as Dispeace have exploded since the coronavirus started to spread. (Chris O'Brien / VentureBeat)

A mass of engineers are organizing scoundrelly format projects over Unformed to tailleur inobtrusive problems associated with the coronavirus pandemic. Already, one initiative has already delivered much-needed selective equipment to some hospitals. (Rebecca Heilweil / Recode)

Coronavirus isolation can be boxy on the haul as well-built as mind. Experts suggest exercising as well-built as creating as much routine as possible to avoid off arrestment as well-built as depression. (Emma Grey Ellis / Wired)

Coronavirus isolation has led to a bread-baking boom. The ordinal of bodies solving "bread" hit an longer high this week, equal to Google Trends. (Meghan McCarron / Eater)

Yoga studios as well-built as instructors have moved online to connect with clients as well-built as time-out disoriented surrounded the coronavirus pandemic. Yoga instructors say it's a nice reprieve for students, giving them a emprise to de-stress as well-built as march a echelon of normalcy. (Jacob Kastrenakes / The Verge)

Here's what kids have to say approximately unapprehended learning on Zoom. Includes the byword "I like to see my join on Zoomy." (Yasmin Tayag / OneZero)

Virus tracker

Total cases in the US: 81,578

Total deaths in the US: 1,180

Reported cases in California: 3,786

Reported cases in New York: 37,258

Reported cases in Washington: 2,649

Data from The New York Times.


?Evelyn Douek expertly lays out the tradeoffs tech companies are making by quickly cracking fuzz on coronavirus misinformation while relying on AI for much of this content moderation:

Content moderation during this pandemic is an exaggerated adaptation of content moderation all the time: Platforms are balancing various interests back they address their rules, as well-built as they are making consequential choices approximately error preference back they make them. Platforms' uncharacteristic (if still too limited) unmistakability effectually these choices in the context of the pandemic should be welcomed--but needs to be publish on in the future. These kinds of choices should not be fabricated in the shadows. Most importantly, platforms should be forced to incur the kudos they are having for their handling of the pandemic by preserving materials approximately what they are effectual as well-built as opening it up for research instead of selective disclosure.

A mass of 33 barristers habitual are calling on Amazon, eBay, Facebook, Walmart as well-built as Craigslist to storm-stay rate gouging on coronavirus-related products. They appetite the companies to be other proactive rather than "playing whack-a-mole." I'm sorry except all content moderation is, on some level, whack-a-mole. (Lauren Feiner as well-built as Scott Zamost / CNBC)


Investors were casually buying shares in Zoom Technologies instead of Zoom Video Communications Inc., mischievous the Securities as well-built as Shop Legation to append trading in Zoom Technologies. The company's unimaginative had other than tripled over the past five weeks. (Luke McGrath / Bloomberg)

Zoom's iOS app is sending some analytics materials to Facebook, plane if the user doesn't have a Facebook account. The company's privacy policy doesn't make that clear. (Joseph Cox / Vice)

Things to do

Stuff to slake you online during the quarantine.

Read everyone's favorite Twitter thread of the week -- an morphology into how Triscuits got their name.

Get really into beans, with intercommunication from the framer of bean-head favorite Rancho Gordo.

Listen to this bewildering virtual performance of Burt Bacharach as well-built as Hal David's "What the Apple Needs Now Is Love" by submissiveness from the Boston Solarium at Berklee as well-built as Berklee Higher of Music.

Take a strum tour of San Fransisco, which has looked like a incorporeal boondocks since the sheltering order took effect.

Go to Facetiousness Church Sunday morning.

Those inerrable tweets

Talk to us

Send us tips, comments, questions, as well-built as your solutions to the touchless economy: as well-built as

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