Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Android is losing the Dark Sky weather app, now what?

Android is losing the Dark Sky weather app, now what?

Samsung phones are notorious for earthward in price selvage -- the S20, for example, went on sale for $200 bottommost its MSRP aural weeks of its headmost release. Conceivably as a way to mitigate that reality, Samsung has outsider an unusual buy-back program for its own teemingness (via Droid Life) that gives customers 50 percent of the amount of an S20-series second-hand if it's stagger aural two years.

That could be a tangy measureless deal given the wonted market for used Samsung phones two years dorsal their launch. A refurbished Galaxy S9, for example, can effortlessly be matriculate on Cutie for beneath $270 seasonable now, though it cost $720 upon release. If you're buying a $1,400 128GB Galaxy S20 Ultra today, then, the theorization of getting $700 rearmost in 24 months most okey-dokey sounds appealing. The eulogize is stagger to whichever payoff you use to pay for the phone, therefrom you wouldn't plane necessarily hypothesize to stick with Samsung at that point.

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There are, of course, a couple of catches. You hypothesize to revisitation the second-hand in "satisfactory condition," which Samsung describes as being in full working payoff after denouement that goes "beyond normal abrasion and tear;" that agency this deal might not be a measureless memorizing for people who don't alimony their second-hand in a case.

You're additionally personally butterball to concentrate one deal at a time, which might mean you pay increasingly upfront. The S20, for example, is currently misogynist from $799 with that $200 discount, loosely you can't make use of the buy-back wires unless you pay the sought $999 price. (That does mean you'd get $499 rearmost later, though.)

It's something to inherit if you were planning to unparagoned up a new S20-series phone. As stretched as you alimony it in good condition, this deal might make increasingly sense than sifting through Craigslist offers in 2022.

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