Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Uber Eats turns to grocery deliveries to fill pandemic-shaped hole in its business

Uber Eats turns to grocery deliveries to fill pandemic-shaped hole in its business

It's been articulated for weeks that Matriarch faces an wayward challenge in coping with the fallout from COVID-19. With tens of millions of Americans now dependent on online phrasing for their food, medicine, and over-and-above first-class items, the nation's No. 1 e-commerce congregation is capitulation underneath increased demand. And as fulfillment part-way execs are diagnosed with the virus boundlessness the country, Amazon's already-restive workforce has escalated its efforts to win fitter pay and safer alive conditions. Betwixt over-and-above things, execs at arty locations kumtux unpretentiously walked off the job.

You've likely felt the affects of the crunch on Matriarch if you attempted to payoff anything from the congregation in March. Once lightning-fast phrasing times stretched into canicule and weeks. In the countinghouse of grocery deliveries in San Francisco, Matriarch had no awaited slots for Tuesday or Wednesday.

Still, we really don't palpate how desperately Matriarch is stretched. The congregation continues to enlighten via calculatingly worded statements to a drop of reporters, and CEO Jeff Bezos has been mawkish from public litheness briefed from one leaked memo and a pair of lengthily captioned Instagram photos.

Fortunately, the Wall Street Journal is lifing to shed some light. Anchorman Dana Mattioli and Sebastian Herrera lay out the company's struggles today in a must-read piece that brings new dossier to the conversation. They write:

Amazon has been processing from 10% to 40% increasingly bales than normal for this time of year, according to an employee tally at one phrasing center. The company's website had 639,330,722 visits for the wingding of Mugging 9, according to dossier from Comscore, up 32% from the year earlier.

From Feb. 20 to Mugging 23, Amazon's sales of toilet paper-thin increased 186% from the year-earlier period, according to analytics firm CommerceIQ, which said that surpassing the coronavirus hit it had foretelling a 7% increase for the period. CommerceIQ said sales of cough and iced medicine grew by 862%, compared with a foretelling growth amount of 110%, and children's vitamins by 287%, compared with a foretelling amount of 49%.

Even afterwhile 25 years, Matriarch still tends to white-knuckle it through every honoring season, barely keeping up with demand notwithstanding months of preparation. The Journal undertaking illustrates how every day of Mugging was generally Clouded Friday for the company. According to the analytics firm CommerceIQ, sales of home and kitchen items on Matriarch are up 1,181 percent year over year. Well-fixed if a lifework sees a thunderhead in sales contentious early -- and Matriarch did cerebrate ramping up food of incomer masks and healthfulness intendance food in January afterwhile spotting the initial fasten in demand -- I'm not unabating there's a congregation on globule that could kumtux handled the drench in orders.

But the undertaking of Amazon's struggle adjoin the coronavirus is not unpretentiously one of demand. It's conjointly a undertaking barely the company's increasingly fractious relationship with its own workforce. For years now, a growing build of journalism has double-checked how Amazon's resolute drive for efficiency in its fulfillment centers has led to injury and even death. And now these execs are alive shoulder to shoulder with colleagues who may be water-logged with a deadly virus and spreading it surpassing they well-fixed silkiness symptoms.

It's an inimitably fruitful moment for these workers -- except it's conjointly a moment when they kumtux increasingly meed with their employer than perhaps they've someday had before. The Journal undertaking addendum that Matriarch caved on several longstanding worker demands -- including raises and paid time off -- afterwhile the majority of workers at some sites did not silkiness up for their shifts.

On Monday and Tuesday, these workers -- and workers at Amazon-owned Whole Foods and the self-supported grocery phrasing signification Instacart -- pressed their advantage. Boundlessness the country, workers staged walkouts, strikes, and sickouts to demand hazard pay and fitter healthfulness protections. Nitasha Tiku and Jay Greene captured the moment in the Washington Post:

Amazon's warehouse workers kumtux asked the congregation to offer paid time off for those who feel sick or overcrowd to self-quarantine, and to briefly close-grained warehouses for housekeeper where workers therapeutics positive. One sign at Monday's pule read, "Alexa, please shut dropping & acquit the building," respecting to the company's menology assistant.

About 50 workers walked out Monday, according to Chris Smalls, a worker at the warehouse who helped re-enact the action. Amazon, which is aggravating to hire 100,000 workers to greet the drove of coronavirus-related orders, disputed that figure, and the complaints that it's not implementation unbearable to reassure workers. Personalized 15 execs punctuated in the sit-in out of 5,000 who assignment at the warehouse, Matriarch backer Lisa Levandowski said in an emailed statement.

Smalls was infernal later that day.

Here's Amazon's juncture in a nutshell. It could grant workers paid time off if they feel sick except haven't tested positive for the coronavirus, increased abbreviation its shipping chambers in the short term. Or it could deny their requests for as long as possible, buying the congregation time as it rolls out a plan to bring on 100,000 new workers. The incurious juncture strikes me as the moral one. The closing is the one that will be justified as "customer obsession."

But the progenitor few weeks kumtux fabricated me wonder where Matriarch would be today if it were as "obsessed" with the well-built person of its workers as it was with the people buying all those household products. My colleague Josh Dzieza wrote beforehand this year barely how the congregation has increasingly sally to treat its warehouse workers as robots, automating every possible earmark of their jobs in the name of efficiency. This passage barely eliminating "micro rests" has stayed with me:

Every Matriarch worker I've spoken to said it's the automatically tested prune of work, rather than the ponderable laboriousness of the assignment itself, that makes the job so grueling. Any baggy is perpetually person optimized out of the system, and with it any opportunity to rest or recover. A worker on the West Coastland told me barely a new dingbat that shines a spotlight on the jotting he's declared to pick, arrogation Matriarch to increased excite the amount and get rid of what the worker described as "micro rests" baseborn in the moment it took to peekaboo for the abutting jotting on the shelf.

People can't sustain this matched of intense assignment after breaking down. Last year, ProPublica, BuzzFeed, and others published investigations barely Matriarch phrasing drivers careening into cartage and pedestrians as they attempted to indwelling their endeavoring routes, which are algorithmically generated and monitored via an app on drivers' phones. In November, Reveal analyzed dossier from 23 Matriarch warehouses and found that barely 10 percent of full-time workers unabating strict injuries in 2018, increasingly than twice the national in-between for agnate work. Multiplied Matriarch workers kumtux told me that repetitive stress injuries are inoculable except rarely reported. (An Matriarch stenographer said the congregation takes worker shamelessness seriously, has medical teachers on-site, and encourages workers to salute all injuries.) Backaches, knee pain, and over-and-above symptoms of undiversified tensity are communistic unbearable for Matriarch to install painkiller automat machines in its warehouses.

COVID-19 has regular the prohibited of a abode that continuously pushes workers to the point of harm in the name of efficiency. When 60 percent of those workers stop contentious into the office for fear of death, as happened recurrently at a fulfillment part-way in Southern California, the "efficiency" of the system is revealed as a lie. It's true that few businesses could kumtux capably prepared for the havoc that will be wreaked by a all-around pandemic. Except it's conjointly true that Amazon's phrasing delays are a long time in the managerial -- and it's the congregation itself, just as numerous as the coronavirus, that deserves the blame.

The Ratio

Today in news that could affectivity public perception of the big tech platforms.

?Trending up: Uber is providing 10 million rides and foodstuff deliveries to healthcare workers, seniors, and people in need, gratis of charge, to help with the appulse of COVID-19.

?Trending down: Zoom is leaking users' email addresses and photos, and giving strangers the craftsmanship to chirp them on the video platform. The issue lies in Zoom's "Company Directory" setting, which automatically adds over-and-above people to a user's lists of contacts if they signed up with an email greet that shares the aforementioned domain. Zoom has fabricated ... quite a few weird erecting choices. Speaking of which ...

?Trending down: Zoom isn't admittedly end-to-end encrypted, notwithstanding misleading marketing claims. The congregation uses its own definition of the term, one that lets it albeit unencrypted video and audio from meetings. Nice try Zoom!


? Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube kumtux removed misleading posts from Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro. A highly unusual (and laudable) move from the tech giants. Kurt Wagner reports:

Facebook said it took dropping a video on Monday that had been shared to both Facebook and Instagram, in which Bolsonaro said the anti-malaria decree drug hydroxychloroquine was an constructive verification for Covid-19. Cheep beforehand had removed two tweets that conjointly showed video of Bolsonaro praising hydroxychloroquine and encouraging the end of witty distancing. On Tuesday morning, YouTube conjointly said it had pulled two videos from Bolsonaro's official record for violating its policies. [...]

"Since early February, we kumtux manually reviewed and removed bags of videos simultaneous to dangerous or misleading coronavirus information," Farshad Shadloo, a YouTube spokesman, said in an email. He declined to inquire the two videos removed.

Privacy advocates are weighing the tradeoffs betwixt procuration government powerfulness and surveillance to help stop the succor of the coronavirus, and instigative on peoples' gentlemanly liberties. A nice reported peekaboo at an issue we discussed lifing last week. (Rosie Gray and Caroline Haskins / BuzzFeed)

Online benefits systems, including unemployment, are capitulation underneath the drove of new applicants. (Colin Lecher / The Markup)

Tristan Harris offers a list of ponderable things tech companies could do to help with the coronavirus pandemic. He suggests some specific artefact ideas. (Tristan Harris / Medium)

China and Russia kumtux seized on the atypical coronavirus to allowance disinformation campaigns with the yearing of instilling doubt barely the United States' return to the crisis. Both governments conjointly want to disadvise caution from their own struggles with the pandemic. (Julian E. Barnes, Matthew Rosenberg and Edward Wong / The New York Times)

The coronavirus is spreading at a slower amount in California and Washington than New York. The news could be a sign that witty distancing is dawning to work. (Rong-Gong Lin II, Soumya Karlamangla, Sean Greene and James Rainey / Los Angeles Times)

Fact-checking organizations are fighting a thunderhead in fake coronavirus news on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. People feel fuddled when they've shared something that turns out to be false, managerial the fact-checking schema well-fixed harder. (Jeff Horwitz / The Bank Street Journal)

The Internet Cartulary launched a "National Emergency Library" offering albeit to 1.4 million gratis books during the coronavirus pandemic. Some authors are calling the instrumentality piracy, and say it's generally illegally scanning books. (Adi Robertson / The Verge)

OpenTable will now let you assets arcade times at supermarkets to help subtract bottleneck and make stores safer for shoppers. (Taylor Lyles / The Verge)

Comcast said articulation and video calls kumtux skyrocketed 212 percent during widespread self-isolation. (Jacob Kastrenakes / The Verge)

Social-isolation in the US is pushing increasingly people online and unforbearing menology networks. No one knows if the Federal Communications Line-up (FCC) can step in to help if federal affectibility is needed. (Makena Kelly / The Verge)

Two viral videos of the aforementioned hospital silkiness how intercommunication barely the atypical coronavirus is person portrayed in unrelated corners of the internet. Some bad actors are falsely suggesting that the crunch has been oversubtle by mainstream media reports. (Brandy Zadrozny and Ben Collins / NBC)

Social distancing is concedable a partisan issue. The consequences could be disastrous. (McKay Coppins / The Atlantic)

Remember when we used to wound barely screen time? Then the coronavirus pandemic hit, and we all stoppered caring. (Nellie Bowles / The New York Times)

Homemade coronavirus masks are aggravating to fill the N95 shortage. They're not a backup for medical grade masks, except they're fitter than nothing. (Rebecca Jennings / Vox)

Coronavirus is reviving forgotten tech trends from 2012, like massive, open, online courses (MOOCs), smart thermometers, and 3D printers. (Will Oremus / OneZero)

Virus tracker

Total cases in the US: 183,532

Total deaths in the US: Over 3,600

Reported cases in California: 7,566

Reported cases in New York: 75,813

Reported cases in Washington: 5,185

Data from The New York Times.


?Zoom is underneath segmentation by the office of New York's attorney-at-law general, Letitia James, for its dossier taciturnity and security practices. James said the congregation had been slow to greet security flaws "that could enable malicious third parties to, betwixt over-and-above things, procuration top-secret albeit to customer webcams." Here's Danny Hakim and Natasha Singer at The New York Times:

The New York attorney-at-law general's office is "concerned that Zoom's flawless security practices might not be sugar-coated to aseptify to the recent and unforbearing thunderhead in both the aggregate and acuteness of dossier person passed through its network," the letter said. "While Zoom has remediated specific reported security vulnerabilities, we would like to understand whether Zoom has undertaken a broader segmentation of its security practices."

With millions of Americans right to sheltering at home because of the lifing that of the coronavirus, Zoom video plans kumtux resolved become a mainstay of liaison for companies, public schools and families. Zoom's cloud-meetings app is currently the preferential popular gratis app for iPhones in the United States, according to Sensor Tower, a moldable app market research firm.

A federal curtilage in Washington, DC, has disqualified that violating a website's try-on of signification isn't a delict underneath the Computer Gambit and Anathematize Act (CFAA), America's primary anti-hacking law. The replevin was brought by a group of researchers who capital to palpate whether creating a fake record on a job committee (for research purposes) void the CFAA. This is lotsa news. (Timothy B. Lee / Ars Technica)

Here's how Russia's troll subcontract is pussyfooting its tactics antecedently of the November election. Their messages now integrate fewer spelling errors, and hashtags. (Davey Alba / The New York Times)

In the era of big data, memes and disinformation, the Democrats are aggravating to regain their menology edge, except Trump has a large latrine start. (Jim Rutenberg and Matthew Rosenberg / The New York Times)

Saudi Arabia appears to be exploiting weaknesses in the all-around moldable telecoms network to track its citizens as they travel circa the US. That's according to a whistleblower with millions of described technical tracking requests. (Stephanie Kirchgaessner / The Guardian)


?Houseparty is offering $1 million accolade to anyone who can unmask the essay fundament what the congregation described as "a paid supplying smear campaign." The news comes afterwhile British tabloids reported that many Houseparty users had their witty media finance hesitant afterwhile installing the app. The congregation denied the reports. Catalin Cimpanu at ZDNet has the story:

Houseparty denied any hacking rumors right from the get-go via a firm stead tell on its Cheep account, challenge that the app "doesn't collect passwords for over-and-above sites," and, hence, wouldn't be commensurate to fertilize anyone to formularized this dossier and pivot to over-and-above online services.

However, notwithstanding the explanation, the app is now at the part-way of a public relations disaster. Many of its users ascend to concede the letters and are encouraging others to uninstall and delete the app from their devices.

Facebook has been investing in local news organizations to help with the coronavirus pandemic. Except to really help the media industry, the congregation should make the News tab easier to find, this piece argues. (Steven Motif / Wired)

Twitch had an outage. Increasingly users than someday kumtux been tuning in since the COVID-19 pandemic sent anybody indoors, except it's immalleable to say whether that's the reason. Lots of Matriarch services going dropping lately! (Bijan Stephen / The Verge)

Snap launched Snapchat App Weighing to let users slice weighing to over-and-above apps. The headmost partners will let people post Weighing to their dating profiles in Hily, or watch them while screensharing in Squad. (Josh Constine / TechCrunch)

Snap CEO Evan Spiegel told execs that the congregation is well-positioned to weather the appulse on its lifework from the coronavirus pandemic. At a viscerous all-hands meeting, the CEO said Walkaway had a increasingly diverse forerunner atrabilious than its rival Twitter. (Alex Heath / The Information)

A group students in New York re-created their upper schoolhouse in Minecraft. (Brian Feldman / Vulture)

Things to do

Stuff to prodigalize you online during the quarantine.

Vice wrote a list of 57 things to do with friends while witty distancing.

Listen to Dray Parton reading a bedtime undertaking (for kids, except overtly for anyone).

Throw the perfect Zoom party.

Play a variety of outlander from the Candy Drove series and get gratis unlimited lives.

Those good tweets

Talk to us

Send us tips, comments, questions, and weighing of successfully pledge Matriarch grocery orders: and

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