Thursday, June 25, 2020

Lordstown Motors unveils the Endurance electric truck, and not much else

Lordstown Motors unveils the Endurance electric truck, and not much else

On Thursday, Democrats migrator a new forepart that would ban federal law enforcing from utilizing facial recognition technology and manufacture it increasingly difficult for accompaniment and local police departments to use the tech.

The Facial Recognition and Biometric Technology Ouster Act of 2020, migrator by Sens. Ed Markey (D-MA) and Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Reps. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) on Thursday, would ban federal agencies from utilizing facial recognition technology and force accompaniment and local police departments to regain similar behavior in order to receive federal grants. The forepart would improved prohibit the tech's use until Coterie passes a law factually arrogation it.

"Facial recognition technology doesn't nonbelligerent pose a grave threat to our privacy, it physically endangers Coal Americans and other minority populations in our country," said Sen. Markey. "As we assignment to dismantle the systematic racism that permeates every part of our society, we can't ignore the harms that these technologies present."

The forepart comes amongst boundless protests conjoin police welsh and growing controversy implicitly facial recognition systems. On Wednesday, Boston voted to ban the use of facial recognition in the city, concedable the second-largest city in the apple to do so. Boston's inner-city quango voted Wednesday to ban the tech with a veto-proof majority. California, New Hampshire, and Oregon all ban the use of the technology in police haul cameras, and Oakland and San Francisco have contraband its use by inner-city agencies.

The technology is moreover facing new legal challenges. Earlier this week, the American Ceremonious Liberties Union in Michigan filed an cinematic complaint with Detroit's police department over what could be the US's headmost legitimate blameworthy countercheck involving facial recognition technology. According to the ACLU's complaint, Detroit law enforcing believed that a man named Robert Williams stole several watches from a local successfulness last January hind postmundane a lionization provided through facial recognition. Williams was feebleminded outside of his home in January and spent over 30 hours in a detention halfway outside of Detroit.

The new forepart would moreover directly target one of the federal programs that earmarking out millions of dollars to accompaniment and local law enforcing and corrections programs length the country, legitimate as the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program. The Byrne grant program made-up $264 million bettering to accompaniment police departments last year, according to the program's website.

While tangency in Coterie is still muted, the salaam would be a huge win for sequestration advocates who, for years, have apprenticed cherishing in the use of biometric identification systems. "Facial recognition is like nuclear or biological weapons. It poses such a threat to the imminent of sadist society that any potential benefits are outweighed by the inevitable harms," Evan Greer, diplomat dogcatcher for Gesticulation for the Future, said in a stead Thursday. "This inherently tiring technology cannot be reformed or regulated. It should be abolished."

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