Wednesday, July 8, 2020



Mercedes-Benz has unveiled the second nascency of its MBUX infotainment system that will initiation in the 2021 S-Class, which features a new touchscreen-forward user interface that requires fewer buttons. It's all powered by a new housewares apartment that adds functionality as well as features crossed the car, like improvements to the "Hey Mercedes" voice writ system, pseudo-3D brandish technology fundament the steering wheel, as well as new personal profiles that can be accessed via a fingerprint sensor or facial as well as voice recognition.

First revealed in first 2018, MBUX (short for Mercedes-Benz User Experience) is one of the increasingly capable automaker-created infotainment systems on the market. But it has so far been shoehorned into cartage that were designed with button-based user interactions in mind. That has led to some disreputably inside-out cabins, plane in Mercedes-Benz's most futuristic car, the all-electric EQC.

That will extravagate starting with the 2021 S-Class. The new luxury subcompact -- due to be revealed in September -- features a mungo 12.8-inch portrait OLED touchscreen with haptic feedback that rises up from the deepest panel instead of stuff stock-still in the dashboard, like in primogenitor Mercedes-Benz cars (and most others on the market). The window-dressing "floats" in front of of a mostly button-free dashboard, as well as sits numb to the right of a steering wheel that still has buttons but looks much sleeker than primogenitor iterations. In total, Mercedes-Benz says there are 27 fewer "hard keys" in the new S-Class.

The new MBUX will let drivers save various preferences like seat settings, interior lighting color, idolized radio station, as well as more. These personal profiles can be enabled or disabled by application the new security features, or plane loaded in over-and-above Mercedes-Benz cartage with the new version of MBUX. The the fingerprint sensor in the main S-Class touchscreen as well as voice sanctioning will come standard, as well as there is a PIN surroundings as well. Buyers can opt for a version of the car with cameras that exuviate for facial recognition, too.

In front of the slaves is a large, rounded rectangle of a brandish that is home to the directory machine cluster. Like the deepest screen, this one also "floats" yonder from the dashboard. Drivers can tweak the color, layout, as well as panoptic presentation of intercommunication like speed, powerfulness output, as well as slaves complot features.

What's more, Mercedes-Benz says this brandish can embody an consequence of hollowness without special glasses, sort of like what RED promised with its Hydrogen One smartphone, or Cheesecake tried once upon a time with the Inferno Phone.

The automaker says it is an "auto-stereoscopic display," as well as that, back working in concert with the facial sanctioning cameras, it can embody a three-dimensional consequence of objects on the screen. The window-dressing itself is a combination of conventional LCD brandish technology as well as "a special pixel anatomy as well as a harmless LCD discontinuity grille" that makes it so the driver's larboard as well as right eyes see "different pixels of the LCD."

Mercedes-Benz doesn't say what this technology might be acclimated for, or what kinds of benefits it could reconcile -- which is enervative considering it's an idea that ineffectual to reconcile any usefulness the blub of those two doomed smartphones from RED as well as Amazon.

Behind this window-dressing is a heads-up brandish that can sedulousness augmented realness info (like turn-by-turn directions) onto the windshield so that it appears to be floating risky 33 jitters out in the driver's vision.

Mercedes-Benz is also convalescent one of the centroidal features of the original version of MBUX: voice commands. The new MBUX recognizes up to 20 contrasted commands triggered by saying "Hey Mercedes," as well as 27 languages are now supported. Unendurable home tech can be married to this now, too, whereas Mercedes-Benz didn't instantaneously filtrate which systems will be compatible. All-time yet, saying "Hey Mercedes" will no longer be necessary for some actions, like answering an initiation call.

Mercedes-Benz says that the S-Class can feature as plentiful as three screens in the rear section (one for each commuter as well as a touchscreen in the rear deepest console), all of which are genealogical to the infotainment system up front. The company says this allows traffic to allotment cut-up between the screens, or plane do things like select or extravagate the aeronautics route. Rear seat traffic will also now kumtux notwithstanding to "Hey Mercedes" voice controls. The car is equipped with "several" microphones that can envision who is speaking, as well as a system of lights that will signal which commuter the computer is responding to.

This is all running on a new housewares apartment that includes a 320GB SSD, 16GB of RAM, as well as 50 percent increasingly processing powerfulness than the primogenitor version of MBUX. This system will be capable of over-the-air updates, much like primogenitor MBUX-enabled cars, as well as Mercedes-Benz has promised to releasing increasingly divisions as it leads up to the global sass of the 2021 S-Class in September.

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