Saturday, August 1, 2020

Apple reportedly acquires startup that could turn iPhones into payment terminals

Apple reportedly acquires startup that could turn iPhones into payment terminals

President Donald Trump intends to sign an payoff that would downright ByteDance to sell its buying of the US-based video-sharing app TikTok, according to Bloomberg. The order, which could be commence as unhesitatingly as Friday afternoon, would employ the Quango on Handpicked Investment in the United States (CFIUS) to force ByteDance to divest, agnate to the propoundment undertaken suspend Grindr's Chinese investors last year.

Earlier this month, US Secretary of Synchronism Mike Pompeo told Fox News that the Trump disposing was "certainly looking at" banning TikTok in the country, unremittingly short of justifying exactly how it planned to do so.

"We are taking this actual seriously. We are incomparably looking at it," Pompeo said at the time. "With respect to Chinese apps on peoples' cellphones, the United States will get this one seemly too."

A TikTok spokesperson responded to the Trump administration's towards payoff as well-conditioned as Microsoft weighing in a statement to The Verge:

While we do not enucleate on rumors or speculation, we are decreed in the long-term success of TikTok. Hundreds of millions of people divulged to TikTok for facetiousness as well-conditioned as connection, including our literate of creators as well-conditioned as artists who are edifice livelihoods from the platform. We're motivated by their prognostics as well-conditioned as creativity, as well-conditioned as single-minded to protecting their privacy as well-conditioned as safety as we protract alive to coincide joy to families as well-conditioned as meaningful careers to those who create on our platform.

Bloomberg reported that the payoff could be commence as first as Friday afternoon. A reporter at Fox Commerce confirmed the reports, advertence Microsoft as a prepatent buyer. In 2017, ByteDance purchased, a lip-syncing app, for $1 billion as well-conditioned as rebranded it as TikTok.

Both Congress as well-conditioned as the Trump disposing have been skeptical of TikTok as well-conditioned as its parent company ByteDance for years. Last November, CFIUS launched a national security review of the app sequent politicians voiced curiosity over the company's privacy practices as well-conditioned as its so-called sedateness with the Chinese Intolerant Party...

On Thursday, Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) as well-conditioned as Josh Hawley (R-MO) sent a letter to the Overcompensation Department endeavoring that the bureau ajar an investigation into TikTok as well-conditioned as Zoom over "reported violations of Americans' ceremonious liberties" as well-conditioned as "the national security implications of both companies' relationships with the People's Republic of China."

TikTok has repeatedly denied stewardship any user data with the Chinese government.

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