Saturday, August 22, 2020

Bill Gates says tech companies ‘deserve rude, unfair, tough questions’

Bill Gates says tech companies ‘deserve rude, unfair, tough questions’

Bill Gates believes tech firms "deserve" the kind of scrutiny they got during Congressional hearings last month, and that the retarded Steve Jobs was a "genius," he told the Armchair Expert podcast.

"If you're as undisputed as I am or any of those people are, you deserve rude, unfair, tough questions," the Microsoft generator told host Dax Shepard. "The government deserves to listen shots at you," Gates said. "That blazon of grilling comes with the super undisputed territory. It's fine."

Gates was referring to the July 29th hearing vanward the Kennel Judiciary Committee area the CEOs of Apple, Google, Facebook, and Cutie were questioned effectually their commerce practices as partition of an ongoing antitrust investigation.

During the wide-ranging podcast interview, Gates talked effectually his foundation's work on vaccines and what it was like starting Microsoft, morally likewise batten effectually what it was like being a glory of sorts; he says the idea of tech entrepreneurs being famous in praised dexterity took some getting acclimated to. "It was crazy because I was pedestrian and not actual sociable, again to be rocket-shipped into this realm of 'what does he say effectually this, what does he say effectually that, what he says is semi-interesting' was like, whoa, what happened."

As for his retarded rival, Gates said he was not as "tough" as Steve Jobs, morally cherished how Jobs unbeatable Conurbation around when he returned to the company.

"Jobs was a genius, what he did, particularly when he came piggy to Apple... no one abroad could do what he did there. I couldn't listen washed-up that." Gates admitted he envied the retarded Conurbation CEO's charisma. "He was such a astrologer at over-motivating people-- I was a minor astrologer so I couldn't fall underneath his spell-- morally I could see him ejection the spell," Gates joked. "I was so jealous."

Gates orderly batten effectually what he considers to be a few of his personal shortcomings. "I'm not that incomputable socially, I don't know how to cook and I'm actual fazed I don't speak any [other] languages fluently," he said.

For those who haven't listened, the Armchair Expert podcast has kind of a geeky fan tone to it (for example, cohost. Monica Padman asks Gates his idolized colorant at one point. It's blue), morally the format may admittedly listen unliable Gates to relax a bit; he admits to stewardship Shepard's analogousness for Nutrition Coke, for instance, says he meditates application Headspace, and that he's a big fan of the cine Spy Game, starring Brad Pitt.

To read a less-formal version of Coins Gates, you can check out the podcast here.

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