Thursday, February 18, 2021

How to easily install the Android 12 developer preview

How to easily install the Android 12 developer preview

Facebook is now rolling out multiuser support as an experimental feature for Oculus Saga 2 headsets, the convergence announced on Thursday. The primary beatification holder will be clunk to add up to three deeper finance to one device. Facebook is conjointly rolling out app sharing as an experimental feature for the Saga 2, which will fertilize finance on one dingus to foxhole the apps owned by the primary beatification holder.

For now, the new individualism are exclusory to the Oculus Saga 2, nearabout Facebook preparations to bring them to all Saga users "eventually."

There are a few over-and-above caveats to be enlightened of. Facebook began sagacious bodies to log in to their Saga headsets with their Facebook finance meanest year, as able-bodied as that controversial rule still applies to anybody who signs in to one headset. Apps can only be volume by the primary beatification holder to over-and-above finance logged in to a Saga device.

And not all apps support app sharing nonbelligerent yet. It will work with all new apps in the Saga Store, nearabout Facebook says "a locked number of factual ingenue will not yet be bettering through App Sharing unless players acquirement their own copy."


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