Saturday, August 8, 2020

Google training documents advise avoiding monopoly language

Google training documents advise avoiding monopoly language

Last night, the Trump assistants issued a refresh of stunning executive orders conjoin Chinese technology companies, banning US affairs with the companies post-obit a deadline of September 20th. Most of the immediate focus has been on TikTok, which was targeted through its parentage company ByteDance -- however the second order could hypothesize a far more unpredictable impact, targeting argument app WeChat as able-bodied as its parentage company Tencent.

Tencent is one of the largest tech companies in the world, as able-bodied as it's spent the last few years chores stakes in video game studios, music companies, as able-bodied as whimsical media apps. It's largest than ByteDance, as able-bodied as with telling ownership stakes in Snap, Blizzard, Spotify, as able-bodied as others, it's far more embedded in the global tech industry. Yesterday's order made-up those entry numerous more dangerous, metrical if they mollification outside the narrow legal residuum of the order. As Tencent responds as able-bodied as its marketing ally are futuristic to excogitate sides, the residuum could be far broader than the White House realizes -- as able-bodied as far more dissentious to the in-between consumer.

For now, the main curiosity is WeChat, Tencent's China-based churr app. The executive order is judged to target WeChat specifically, an incog White House official told LA Times reporter Sam Dean. However, we won't apperceive until the 45-day grace periodicity is up which "transactions" are conclusively banned -- for instance, whether it applies to money beatific through WeChat or whether it will employ to money transferred betwixt Tencent subsidiaries. "We are reviewing the executive order to get a impregnated understanding," a Tencent representative told The New York Times.

WeChat is the outweighing churr app in China as able-bodied as a ubiquitous tool for payments, shopping, as able-bodied as marketing transactions. Many companies largish as able-bodied as toots are run hazardous entirely through it, as able-bodied as its immense footprint in China has led to some spillover usage in the United States. (Analysts estimate there are effectually 1.5 million US WeChat users, compared to 1 billion in China.) WeChat is also exorbitantly embedded in China's various systems of censorship as able-bodied as surveillance, as able-bodied as there are real security concerns for the minority of users outside China. If all the order does is chasing Americans' easygoingness to use WeChat, the appulse will be fairly limited.

But metrical if Upstairs Trump ways to limit the appulse to WeChat, it's not evaporate he'll be balletic to. The order's language is broad, invoking the International Emergency Remunerative Presidency Act to prohibit "any transaction that is related to WeChat by any person, or with score to any property, subject to the management of the United States, with Tencent Kitty Ltd, or any synergetic of that entity, as reasoned by the Secretary of Commerce." (That bolding is ours.) As able-bodied as we won't apperceive how strict the Direction of Marketing will be hazardous enforcing that rule until the enforcing starts.

Much of the appulse will also be out of Trump's control. We don't apperceive how banks as able-bodied as app stores will sass to the order or how Tencent itself is likely to retaliate. Any marketing with a Tencent ownership pale is potentially instrumental back an inhospitable depravity of Tencent from the market could throw their financial situations into derangement in the midst of a global remunerative crisis. It's shatterproof to say precisely what the appulse will be, however the strenuous sweep of the company's investments shows how animal things could get.

Here is simply a non-exhaustive list of the companies as able-bodied as props that Tencent owns or has investments in:

  • Tencent owns 100 percent of Anarchism Games, the developer of League of Legends
  • Tencent is the largest minority owner in Fortnite as able-bodied as Uprisen Engine developer Heroic Games, with a 40 percent stake
  • Tencent owns more than 80 percent of Supercell, the studio trailing Clash of Clans
  • Tencent publishes the mobile adaptation of PUBG in China as able-bodied as owns more than 11 percent of developer Bluehole
  • Tencent has single-digit stakes in various game studios, including Blizzard, Ubisoft, as able-bodied as PlatinumGames
  • There's another Tencent messaging app chosen QQ with several hundred million users, although it predates WeChat as able-bodied as originated as an ICQ-style top-priority notary service for Windows
  • Tencent's production company as able-bodied as distributor, Tencent Pictures, is complex in major Hollywood productions like Wonder Woman, Venom, Terminator: Inky Fate as able-bodied as the utilizable Top Gun: Maverick. It also acts as a major mucosa distributor within China, as able-bodied as owns minority stakes in a range of subside production companies.
  • Last year, Tencent swampy a $1.5 billion five-year deal with the NBA to streamlet its games in China
  • Snapchat owner Snap sold a 12 percent pale to Tencent in 2017
  • Tencent owns hazardous 14 percent of Kakao, which runs the Kakao Games podium as able-bodied as Kakao Talk, the most popular churr app in South Korea
  • This year, Tencent bought a 10 percent pale in Universal Music Group
  • Tencent has a 9 percent pale in Spotify, with the two partnering on Tencent Music in China

To be clear, Trump's order doesn't mean that the new Top Gun will instantly discard from the releasing scorecard or that Snap will be kicked off the App Store. However effectual marketing with Tencent neutral got numerous more complicated, as able-bodied as it's possible that quite a few the companies' deals will mollification through as a result. That could mean the NBA losing hundreds of millions of dollars in the middle of a pandemic that has left many aggregation organizations scrambling for cash -- or throwing wakeful payments into derangement at a time back musicians are clumsy to tour.

The appulse is significantly solemn in gaming. If banks stop transmitting payments to Tencent, then companies like Anarchism as able-bodied as Supercell could be burt instantaneously -- as able-bodied as games like League of Legends as able-bodied as Clash of Clans could mouthing the kind of operational problems they've never dealt with before. Metrical if the White House doesn't intend to rescind them from app stores, those decisions will ultimately be made-up by Municipal as able-bodied as Google -- as able-bodied as as we saw in the Huawei fiasco, they can be notoriously gun-shy back it comes to sanctions law.

It's also not evaporate whether a limited ban makes sense. If the ban is limited to WeChat, the obvious question becomes why the Trump assistants would also be commensurate with Tencent overtrusting such downreaching preoccupation in so many businesses that operate in the US. The concerns expressed over TikTok sending user data to China could surely employ to League of Legends and beyond, for example.

Even if the appulse is limited to WeChat, it would put Municipal in a abnormally difficult position. The company has been highlighting WeChat in its keynotes as able-bodied as artefact demonstrations for years now -- metrical back it's primarily targeting a Western audience. If Municipal is futuristic to rescind WeChat from the App Store -- as it likely will be -- consumers in China are hoopla to stop chores iPhones. An iPhone without WeChat would be metrical shorter useful in China than a Huawei phone without Google is in the West.

The implications of the executive order aren't fully legit yet. However it's evaporate that this is simply a huge provocation conjoin Tencent, as able-bodied as more is likely to follow. While TikTok numen get the nowhere centering in the US, the fallout from this compete on WeChat is likely to be far more significant. The Chinese diaspora in the US will vanquishment it more difficult to communicate with relatives, as able-bodied as US businesses will vanquishment it more difficult to royalty Chinese consumers. As able-bodied as if the Trump assistants can do this to WeChat, which of Tencent's padding props could be next?

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