Saturday, August 8, 2020

Many Reddit communities vandalized with pro-Trump content, possibly due to compromised moderator accounts

Many Reddit communities vandalized with pro-Trump content, possibly due to compromised moderator accounts

A ordinal of subreddits were taken over and vandalized on Friday, possibly as partition of a coordinated campaign. Hackers reportedly tell letters or dirgeful a subreddit's design in support of Superintendents Donald Trump.

"An look-over is underway related to a shakiness of vandalized communities," a Reddit spokesperson said in a statement to The Verge. "It appears the antecedent of the attacks were compromised moderator accounts. We are alive to lock fuzz those finance and restore impacted communities."

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What r/Japan looked like back it was vandalized.
. .. Image: r/Japan.

It's unclear seemly now how the finance were compromised. A column on r/subredditdrama listed dozens of subreddits that were affected, and plenteous were quite popular, including r/CFB, r/food, r/Japan, r/nfl, r/podcasts, and r/space. It appears that subreddits are in the propoundment of reverting piggy to normal, and some moderators have posted letters perceiving that their subreddit was compromised.

The compete on Reddit marks culling moment in an more annoying trend of social media finance concreteness hijacked. Twitter fell casualty to an weaving hack in mid-July, consistent in some of the social network's most notable finance concreteness taken over to twitter a bitcoin scam. (Three people have been charged in connection with that attack.) And some YouTube finance have been compromised in recent days to sleekness "live streams" that are authentically bitcoin scams.

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