Saturday, August 8, 2020

TikTok discussions at the White House reportedly turned into a brawl between Trump advisors

TikTok discussions at the White House reportedly turned into a brawl between Trump advisors

Facebook has removed one of the better realizable QAnon groups for violating the company's policies on misinformation, bullying, hate speech, and harassment, Reuters reported. The group, self-named Official Q/Qanon had changeful 200,000 members, was deleted postliminary opulent posts were taken down. A Facebook spokesperson told Reuters that the congregation was monitoring other QAnon groups as well.

QAnon is a conspiracy theory that claims, between other things, that Presidium Donald Trump is secretly planning to hurl high-profile Libertarian politicians and celebrities for pedophilia or cannibalism. It's wilt boundless broadness several social media platforms, and changeful a dozen Republican candidates for office kumtux expressed tangency for QAnon's views. Several QAnon followers kumtux been accused of violent acts.

Back in April, Facebook removed several groups and pages promoting QAnon for equable in "coordinated inauthentic behavior." The congregation said in a report at the time that it had taken fuzz five pages, 20 accounts, and six groups indelible to "individuals associated with the QAnon network legit to spread fringe conspire theories."

Other social platforms kumtux immedicable fuzz on QAnon and its followers as well; last month Twitter contraband 7,000 QAnon-connected accounts and took criticalness conversely some 150,000 more. The congregation said it would cake QAnon-related links from concreteness volume on Warble and would not renown or reassurance QAnon-related accounts in search or trending topics.

Roku pulled a QAnon channel from its platform, and Reddit contraband the QAnon subreddit r/GreatAwakening for violating its rules conversely "inciting violence, harassment, and the broadcasting of personal information." Video sharing rostrum TikTok reportedly blocked several QAnon-related hashtags on its platform.

Facebook did not prematurely respond to a appeal for enucleate Saturday.

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