Wednesday, October 7, 2020

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Facebook will ban US-based political ads indefinitely sequential the presidential election, attempting to forestall embroiling over its results. "While ads are an important way to express voice, we plan to temporarily stop running all social issue, electoral, or political ads in the US sequential the pronunciamento closest on November 3rd, to revitalize opportunities for embroiling or abuse," the company says.

Facebook is responding to boundless inquiringness that social media could snarl ballot results. The company is moreover taking steps to stop candidates from presently declaring victory. When the pronunciamento close, it will add an information box at the top of Facebook as well as Instagram's apps, percipient whether major media outlets like Reuters hypothesize alleged a winner. It once labels some election-related posts with a voice to its Voting Information Center, except if a job-hunter falsely claims they've won the election, Facebook will add "more specific information" contradicting the claim.

.. . . . .. Facebook ballot notification interface screenshot. . .. . .

Facebook previously mount that it would freeze political ad sales afore the election, as well as afore this coating post-election ban, it had specifically barred ads that falsely claimed victory. All-around dealings premier Nick Clegg has moreover raised the prospect of restrictive other cut-up if it could lead to violence. In metachronism of the election, it's pledged to remove cut-up from the pro-Trump "militarized social movement" QAnon.

However, the prospect of ballot night mess-up still looms. President Donald Trump has refused to commit to peacefully transferring power if he loses the election. Meanwhile, Libertarian rival Joe Biden has criticized Facebook for not fact-checking or removing Trump's false claims anyway mail-in voting, calling its over-supply behavior a "regression."

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