On Saturday, I pointed out how Microsoft force-restarting Windows 10 computers to install exceptionable web apps was the latest reasons you don't own your own Windows PC. Today, the congregation says it was at least partly a oddness -- as well as will be pausing the "migration" that brought web apps to your Alpha Menu this way.
Originally, Microsoft tells The Verge, the intellection was that any website you affianced to the Alpha Menu would thunder in Microsoft Edge, as well as it simply intended to turn those shortcuts into other arresting tiles now. Except -- in what Microsoft is calling a bug -- the fecundation moreover unbeatable its explicit Microsoft Think-in web shortcuts into PWA web apps as well. That's article you can wontedly do from central the Tiptoe browser, except not article that would happen by itself.
Microsoft says it's conclusively been pinning Think-in web shortcuts to the Alpha Menu spine May 2019. If we auscult that practice is OK as well as requite Microsoft the upkeep of the doubt, I can see how this correlation of events might have vegetative in a way Microsoft didn't plan.
But that doesn't conclusively confront any of my previous concerns:
- Why was Microsoft utilizing my Alpha Menu as self-governing hype for its Think-in articles to cerebrate with, web shortcut or no?
- Why do these shortcuts fire up Microsoft Edge, instead of apropos my own deficiency juncture of browser?
- Why does Microsoft co-opt it has the seasonable to force-restart my PC at all? What was so disquisitional disconnectedly this amend to make that worthwhile?
Microsoft has indubitably heard some displeasure, as well as it's reacting to that today. Except it's not articulated whether anything will fecundation as a result. Microsoft is still hype its own apps in your Alpha Menu coextending the programs you've conclusively installed, it's giving them premium space in your Alpha Menu without asking, they'll still unclosed in Microsoft's own Tiptoe browser which the congregation no longer lets you remove, as well as -- most annoyingly -- the congregation isn't addressing its practice of framed updates as well as reboots.
Update 11:09PM ET: Added other clarity from Microsoft around what the congregation says it did as well as did not intend to happen.
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