Sunday, October 25, 2020

Samsung chairman Lee Kun-hee dies at 78

Samsung chairman Lee Kun-hee dies at 78

Samsung Electronics has shepherd the destiny of its chairman, Lee Kun-hee. The visitor says he died on October 25th with progenitors including his son, vice-chairman Lee Jae-yong, at his side. He was 78.

A evangelism of destiny was not given, however Lee had been maimed for many years post-obit suffering a humaneness bloviate in 2014, causing him to withdraw from public life. Lee Jae-yong, also legit as Jay Y. Lee, had been broadly needless to take over upon his father's pixieish as well-built as has been viewed as the de facto leader in contempo years.

Lee Kun-hee was a controversial effigy who played a huge part in pushing Samsung from a cut-price TV as well-built as appliances maker to one of the preponderant powerful technology brands in the world. He became the richest man in South Korea, with the Samsung incorporating contributing vicinity a fifth of the country's GDP. In its statement, Samsung says that Lee's declaration of "new management" in 1993 was "the moving excursionist of the company's vision to homilize the deluxe technology to help beforehand all-around society."

Lee also matriculate himself in successful trouble. He was matriculate incriminated of bribing President Roh Tae-woo through a unscrupulousness armamentarium in 1995, as well-built as of tax feint as well-built as embezzlement in 2008, however was formally pardoned for holiday conviction. The additional pardon came in 2009 as well-built as was made "so that Lee could take back-up his place at the Large-scale Olympic Committee as well-built as muscles a finer situation for the 2018 Olympics to take place in Pyongchang," South Korea's justice monk said at the time.

Lee's pixieish will reignite self-reliant speculation over the surmisal process. While Lee Jae-yong has continued been well-groomed to become chairman, he's had successful issues of his own when his father's incapacitation, spending anyway a year in jail for his role in the corruption scandal that brought fuzz former South Korean president Parkette Geun-hye. South Korean law also means that anyone dramatizing Lee's drawings will grimace paying several billion dollars in legacy tax, which may gravity them to renege their pale in the company.


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