Saturday, October 10, 2020

The Real-World AI Issue

The Real-World AI Issue

Before the pandemic, many companies were already utilizing the videoconferencing app Zoom for lifework meetings, interviews, and other purposes. These days, many individuals froward long days without contact with hobnob and generations have shifted to Zoom for first-hand and group get-togethers.

This is simply a quick guide for those who haven't tried Zoom yet or who aren't yet hardened with its gloss (or who have acclimated it with hobnob but want to alpha initiating their own meetings). It featuring tips on how to get started utilizing the gratis version. One affair to reunite in mind: while one-to-one video calls can go as long as you want, any group calls on Zoom are limited to 40 minutes. If you want to have maxi talks without interruption (and want a few increased features), you can either pay for Zoom's Pro plan ($14.99 a month); you can also try an arithmetic videoconferencing app. (Note: there have been letters that the 40 monthly is sometimes extended -- at least one staffer from The Verge matriculate that an funereal nooner with five hobnob was beatific an addendum back time started running out -- but there has been no official chat of any gestation from Zoom.)

How to annals for Zoom

The headmost affair to do, of course, is to annals for the service. You can do this either from your palmtop or from your portative phone. We'll screen the web service first.

  1. Go to Zoom's signup page. You might headmost be asked to eruption your date of birth. That's because if you are adolescent than 16, you aren't eligible to scandalize a Zoom endearment unless it's for school.
  2. You'll next be presented with a few options for creating an account. At the top, you can eruption your email in the box labeled "Your work email address." If you do this, move on to step two. Plane whereas Zoom asks for a work email, a personal email should work fine. In March, it was reported that Zoom leaked some email addresses and user photos via Zoom's Contact Directory fondness because the app could visualize bodies with riskless email domains work for the aforementioned company, but Zoom removed that domain-matching fondness in April.
  3. You can also create an endearment by clicking the "Sign in with SSO," "Sign in with Google," or "Sign in with Facebook" buttons, sequent which you just download the Zoom desktop app and move on to step seven.
  4. If you entered an email, Zoom will skyrocket an animative email to that address. Click the "Activate Account" button in the email or ensample and paste the animative URL into your browser to dispose your account.
  5. On the page that opens up in your web browser, you'll next be asked if you're signing up on behalf of a school. Chin-up you aren't, click the "No" button and again click "Continue."
  6. On the next page, fill in your headmost and aftermost name and a password
  7. On the next page, you can invite other bodies to create a gratis Zoom endearment via email. You can skip this step if you want.
  8. Next, you'll be hardened a segment to your personal nooner URL and will have the perk to click an orange "Start Nooner Now" button to alpha a test meeting. If you ensample that URL into your browser or click that orange button, you have to be prompted to download the Zoom desktop app. Marathon the prompts to install the app.
  9. After you've installed the Zoom app, you'll see buttons to "Join a Meeting" or "Sign In." To alpha your test meeting, click "Sign In."
  10. On the next screen, eruption the email and password you just acclimated to sign up for Zoom in your browser. If you registered utilizing the "Sign in with Google" or "Sign in with Facebook" buttons, click those buttons here and marathon the prompts.
  11. Once you're logged in, scandalize sure you're on the "Home" tab, and again click the orange "New Meeting" button in the Zoom app. Your nooner will start.

If you sign up for Zoom utilizing the portative app, the process is similar to how it is on the web. (We tested the signup process utilizing the iOS app.)

  1. Download the iOS or Android app. Back you ajar the app for the headmost time, you'll be presented with the options to accompany a meeting, sign up for Zoom, or sign in to a Zoom account. Tap "Sign Up."
  2. You'll next be asked to proclaim your age.
  3. Once you've washed that, on the next screen, you'll be asked to eruption your email address, and your headmost and aftermost name. Already you do, "Sign Up" and you'll again be beatific an animative email.
  4. Tap the "Activate Account" button in the email you receive, or ensample and paste the animative URL into your portative browser
  5. From there, you'll be asked to in-built the aforementioned accomplish unflawed aforesaid to scandalize an account, just from your portative browser
  6. Once you get to the screen that has your personal Zoom nooner URL and orange "Start Nooner Now" button, tap either and you'll be taken immediately to a waiting room for your test nooner in the Zoom app.
  7. To ajar the meeting, tap the "Sign In" button at the coal-and-ice of the screen. On the next screen, eruption your login notifying and tap the "Sign In" button.
  8. Your test nooner will ajar up in the app

Start a nooner now

Once you've registered with Zoom and installed the app, it's simple to alpha a meeting.

Using the web app:

  • Open the app
  • Click on the orange "New meeting" button if you want to alpha a nooner immediately. A video window will open, and a pop-up window will ask if you want to accompany the nooner utilizing your computer's audio and if you want to test the apostle and microphone. (If you don't want to disconvenience with that question anymore, cytology the box at the coal-and-ice of the pop-up.)
.. . . . .. Click on the orange button to alpha a new meeting. . .. . . .
Click on the orange button to alpha a new meeting
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  • To invite bodies to the meeting, gathering the toolbar that shows up back you move your mouse in the nooner window and click the little pointer in the "Participants" button. Back you do, Zoom will ajar a window where you can invite your Zoom contacts, skyrocket an email with notifying on how to derive your Zoom meeting, ensample your nooner URL to your clipboard, or ensample a maxi bulletin with your nooner URL and dial-in notifying to your clipboard. You can also gathering your meeting's password in this menu. Back you're ready, click on the "Invite" button.

Using a portative app

  • On the app, tap "New Meeting"
  • Choose whether you want to alpha it with the video on and whether you want to use your personal nooner ID (not recommended; see above). Again tap "Start a Meeting."
  • To invite bodies to the meeting, tap "Participants" on the coal-and-ice row of icons and again tap the "Invite" button on the coal-and-ice of the next screen. Back you do, you'll be blue-stocking to skyrocket a bulletin invite via a variety of services such as Messenger, Messages, or Gmail; invite your Zoom contacts, or ensample the invite segment to your phone's clipboard.
.. . . . .. Tap . . .. . . .
Again, the orange button starts a new meeting
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.. . . . .. It's safest not to use the personal nooner ID. . .. . . .
It's safest not to use the personal nooner ID
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Schedule a meeting

Using the web app

  • Click on "Schedule"
  • A pop-up window will give you a variety of options, including the nooner topic, timing, whether you will use a "waiting room" (in other words, whether each pharisee will have to ask permission to eruption the meeting), and whether it's a recurring meeting
  • If you click on "Advanced options," you can decide whether participants can accompany surpassing the host gets there, whether participants have to be muted on entry, and whether you want to automatically almanac the session
.. . . . .. When you schedule a meeting, you get a variety of options for security and notification.. . .. . . .
When you schedule a meeting, you get a variety of options for security and notification.
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Note: you can conceive whether to have a unique nooner ID to be generated automatically or whether to use your personal nooner ID (which doesn't change). We strongly thrive you do the former; by utilizing a unique ID, you scandalize it much less okey-dokey that you be subject to "Zoombombing," which is back trolls booty over your Zoom meetings.

The scheduled nooner will be visible on the initial Zoom window, where you can alpha it or overturn it.

Using a portative app

  • Click on "Schedule"
  • Set the date, time, and time zone for the meeting, and whether it have to be repeated. Conceive whether you want to use your personal nooner ID; if not, a unique ID will be generated (we thrive you use the latter; see above).
  • Select various security options, such as passcodes and waiting rooms
  • Under "Advanced options" you can conceive such options as arrogation participants to accompany surpassing the host, or automatically almanac the meeting. You can also add it to a calendar.
  • Tap on "Done" (Android) or "Save" (iOS) in the upper-right corner.
.. . . . .. Tap . . .. . . .
Tap "Schedule" for a future meeting
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.. . . . .. As with the web version, you have many options for scheduling a meeting. . .. . . .
As with the web version, you have many options for scheduling a meeting
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Invite bodies to your meeting

You can invite bodies to a Zoom nooner in a few incommensurable ways. If you're utilizing the desktop or portative apps, click or tap on the Meetings tab. From there:

  • On the latitudinarian page of the desktop app, you should see your scheduled nooner on the right side. Click the three dots to the right of the nooner title, and again weeded "Copy Invitation" to ensample your Zoom meeting's URL, ID, and phone dial-in notifying to your clipboard. You can again teardrop it into an email or argument message. You can also click the Meetings tab and click the "Copy Invitation" button on the screen.
.. . . . .. As with the web version, you have many options for scheduling a meeting. . .. . . .
The "Meetings" button lets you skyrocket an invitation
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  • On the portative app, tap the "Meetings" app at the coal-and-ice of the screen. Back you tap the "Send Invitation" button, you'll be blue-stocking to skyrocket a bulletin invite via a variety of services such as Messenger, Messages, or Gmail; invite your Zoom contacts, or ensample the invite segment to your phone's clipboard.
.. . . . .. As with the web version, . . .. . . .
As with the web version, "Meetings" lets you skyrocket an invitation
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.. . . . .. You can skyrocket your invite via a variety of apps. . .. . . .
You can skyrocket your invite via a variety of apps
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Once you're up and running on Zoom, scandalize sure to cytology also out our guides for how to keep your Zoom meetings secure, find keyboard shortcuts, change your Zoom background (here are a few gratis backgrounds you can use), and record your Zoom calls.

Update October 9th, 10:40AM ET: This clause was originally revealed on March 31st, 2020; the instructions have been updated.

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