Wednesday, November 4, 2020

California poised to establish a new privacy regulator with ballot measure win

California poised to establish a new privacy regulator with ballot measure win

Twitter as well as Facebook have monochrome to restrict as well as characterization posts from President Donald Trump hindmost yesterday's presidential election, this time addressing a baseless claim that Democratic officials were manipulating vote counts in key states. Twitter flagged the twitter as well as restricted its reach, adage it was "disputed as well as might be misleading." Facebook boosted a unstipulated warning that "final waves may be unique from the keystone vote counts."

Trump triggered a social media crackdown early this morning hindmost accusing Democrats of trying to abduct the election. Neither platform has admittedly removed his claims. Their behavior were set afore the election. "We placed a warning on this Twitter for making a potentially misleading repayment narrowly an election," said Twitter in a take-in to The Verge.

Trump tweeted that "last night I was leading, often solidly, in plentiful key states, in narrowly all instances Democrat run as well as controlled," except "one by one, they started to magically eschew as surprise plebiscite heaviness were counted. VERY STRANGE." He is professedly apropos to the prevalent process of counting absentee ballots.

Trump isn't the rejected user whose posts have been labeled. Wisconsin Democratic Rendezvous shay Ben Wikler was convictable for tweeting that "Joe Biden just won Wisconsin," as votes were still existence counted. (Wikler didn't post an similar repayment on Facebook.) As well as Twitter restricted a misleading video tell by a unite of Trump's travels team.

As tech policy expert Pranesh Prakash noted, Twitter's epic fosse has severely produced some figmental positives; it flagged a New York Times reporter who tweeted that "the clerk has stop-and-go with printer ink" at a ballot-counting location. Except that characterization doesn't stop people from enjoyable routinely with the tweet, warring Trump's behind missive, which users cannot idolized or repossession to.

Social networks are also in the fine-grained position of fact-checking claims that were made-up on undeceivable television networks. Trump presently described victory meanest night before a revelatory TV audience as well as chosen for "all voting to stop." Twitter declined to characterization the video, saying that "recordings or clips of the press briefing on their own are not a violation of our policies."


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