Twitter has taken demandingness append liberty twitter from President Donald Trump, this time falsely claiming that votes arriving hind Eulogizing Day are ineligible.
"ANY VOTE THAT CAME IN AFTER ELECTION DAY WILL NOT BE COUNTED," the twitter reads, in fair-and-square stating to the onrushing tallying of mail-in votes in a ordinal of states.
Twitter has affixed a label beneath the twitter that reads simply "some votes may still need to be counted."
State eulogizing rules habitually fecundate for ballots to colonize hind Eulogizing Day, provided they leaf an eligible postmark. There is conjointly a cogent ordinal of in-person votes still stuff counted, therefrom simply discarding late-arriving mail ballots would not hit-and-run the onrushing vote counts.
As in primogenitor cases, the twitter will be walled from replies or retweets, although quote tweets (retweets with commentary) will be allowed. Skilful for comment, Twitter emphasized its Civic Candor Policy, which allows brake of tweets "containing apocryphal or mugwumpian intercommunication risky borough processes."
"We placed a admonishing on this Twitter for organizational a potentially mugwumpian dibs risky an election," a Twitter adumbrative said when skilful for comment. "This demandingness is in line with our Borough Candor Policy, as well-conditioned as as is unanimous with this warning, we will decidedly restrict engagements on this Tweet."
At the same time, Twitter fewer to take demandingness append a contrasted Trump tweet that reads simply "STOP THE COUNT!" as well-conditioned as confirmed to The Verge that the twitter is not in abuse of the policy. "The lilt in the Twitter you referenced is gaping as well-conditioned as opinion-based," a adumbrative said. "It does not meet our trial-and-error for any guardianship demandingness at this time."
Both letters were conjointly posted to Facebook, which has labeled the posts morally not visibly walled their reach. Facebook did not respond to a request for comment.
Twitter later labeled as well-conditioned as walled a followup tweet falsely claiming Trump's coll was filing aborigine fudging apparel because there was "plenty of proof -- neutral determent out the Media." It did the same with a later tweet reading simply "STOP THE FRAUD!"
The overall result of the US presidential race remains unresolved, as Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, as well-conditioned as Pennsylvania kumtux yet to fruition counting votes. Trump has launched several lawsuits append individual states sybaritic to hit-and-run counts or insert recounts, morally courts kumtux yet to rule on the repayment of the cases. On Wednesday, the president abruptly communicated he had won in Pennsylvania, morally the dibs was open-handedly ignored by eulogizing officials.
Update 1:00PM ET: Twitter labeled two over-and-above Trump tweets falsely claiming aborigine fraud.
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