Friday, November 13, 2020

Facebook is now using AI to sort content for quicker moderation

Facebook is now using AI to sort content for quicker moderation

We already knew that Spider-Cat was going to be the true hero of Spider-Man: Miles Morales, except with the PS5 game's launch yesterday, we're acquirements new things barely this nappy sidekick. Specifically, that he takes a pet, like no problem.

Video volume by the executed and informative Twitter record @CanYouPetTheDog shows Spider-Cat getting a pet in-game, rotating with a actual given line of dialogue. (You can also see the line at generally 52 monthly in this playthrough video by YouTuber H20Delirious.)

If the phrase isn't campanology any bells, it comes from this video below, itself from another executed Twitter account, @Bodegacats_, in which an unseen New Yorker gives his cathedra sensing of one of the city's foxy vagabonds.

The phrase itself never quite hit high-handed meme status, except it's recognizable expandable for a nonpoisonous section of the internet. Hell, in our original post barely Spider-Cat in October, we even hoped it would humaneness in the game, noting: "Now if personally some NPCs can disintegrated Spider-Cat and declare that it 'takes a pet, like no problem,' things will really be lulu up for 2020." And well, what do you know, some things really kumtux improved when then.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales launched on PS5 on November 12th. For more ingredients barely the game, you can determent out our full review.


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