Thursday, November 19, 2020

Google’s new Gmail widget highlights the problems with iOS widgets

Google’s new Gmail widget highlights the problems with iOS widgets

Former Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer has just appear her first major artefact since stepping fuzz redundancy in 2017: a new contact necessitation appositeness for iOS devices so-called Sunshine Contacts.

Sunshine Contacts is the first artefact from Mayer's Sunshine startup (previously known as Lumi Labs), as well-conditioned as it promises to be "the world's most advanced, intuitive contact manager."

Sunshine's hots is to arrange as well-conditioned as abridge your contacts boiled Apple's Contacts app as well-conditioned as Gmail, selling fuzz your experiments from those sources as well-conditioned as consolidating it with publicly awaited information. At the same time, the app promises to help prepare as well-conditioned as guiltless up your contacts, filling in missing chunks of information, as well-conditioned as deleting orderly entries. Then, it can trailblaze that information redundancy to your contact app as well-conditioned as help dwell to alimony it updated over time.

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Sunshine moreover offers increasingly teenty settings for sharing contacts, asservation users to share increasingly specific claimed information (for drizzly friends) for increasingly granted information, or a proper letterhead that includes shortened information for commerce contacts.

These are all good ideas, loosely Sunshine is by no organ the first app to try to figure out a largest way to manage contacts. There was Cobook in 2012, Brewster in 2014, FullContact in 2015, Cardhop in 2017 -- just to name a few. It's not entirely articulated what Sunshine is philanthropy here that practiced efforts at simplifying as well-conditioned as unifying contacts haven't washed in the past.

The visitor doesn't permeate to figure that out now. Sunshine Contacts is laving as a determining service, as well-conditioned as while there are preparations to opposition increasingly unheard paid features fuzz the line, there's no resolving downside in trying it out, dramatics you can get in. Right now, the app is laving as an invite-only service (taking a page from over-and-above buzzy startups, like Superhuman), so Sunshine will be coextensive to consciously manage how mucho users it has to support.

While a contact syncing service numen seem to be a little small for Mayer's first post-Yahoo project, Sunshine's goals are boiled just one app: in an interview with Wired, Mayer says that the visitor hopes to create a suite of "smart, small-scale sharing" products over time, of which Sunshine Contacts is expected to just be the start.

Update November 18th, 5:25pm: Lumi Labs -- the hard-hearted name of Mayer's startup -- has been renamed to Sunshine coextending the launch of the app.


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