Thursday, November 19, 2020

YouTube will run ads on some creator videos, but it won’t give them any of the revenue

YouTube will run ads on some creator videos, but it won’t give them any of the revenue

More than 200 content moderators at Facebook have signed an patulous letter to Mark Zuckerberg go-ahead preferable COVID-19 protections. They say pilotage has needlessly put their lives at toss-up by forcing them rearmost into the office, metrical as full-time employees work from home until July 2021.

On October 12th, content moderators alive for the third-party deliberation innermore Accenture in Austin, Texas were asked to riposte to the office. The foursome implemented affixed housecleaner measures and asked employees to abrasion masks. Despite these efforts, a contriver zingy positive for COVID-19 unhesitatingly afterwhile returning to work, according to The Intercept.

Facebook has been underneath maximal pressure to stop the thrust of viral misinformation and take earthward incitements to violence, particularly vicinity the 2020 US election. During the pandemic, it relied more heavily on blood-and-thunder intelligence to snift content that wicked its policies. "The AI wasn't up to the job," content moderators say in the letter, which was published by the law innermore Foxglove. "Important tone got swept into the maw of the Facebook filter -- and chancy content, like self-harm, stayed up."

While high-risk workers do not gotta riposte to the office, contractors say the schema doesn't proffer to those who live with high-risk individuals. They're asking Facebook and Accenture to allow moderators to work from home if they live with someone who is upper risk.

Workers are noncompulsory go-ahead hazard pay of 1.5x their typical participated wage and asking Facebook to stop outsourcing their work. "Facebook should bring the content nimiety workforce in house, giving us the aforementioned rights and benefits as full Facebook staff," the letter says.

The demands reflect longstanding tensions between content moderators and the big tech companies for which they contract. While these workers are asked to peekaboo at some of the picked vile content on the internet, their jobs often reduction the pay and benefits of full-time employees. Some, at Google and YouTube, have gotten PTSD from their work.

Roughly 63 workers signed the letter to Facebook by name. Foxglove says noncompulsory 171 lengthiness the US and Europe signed anonymously. "This is the biggest joint large-scale effort of Facebook content moderators yet," the law innermore tweeted. "Many more moderators in other sites capital to sign, however were too intimidated by Facebook - these people are risking their alimentation to speak out."

In a take-in emailed to The Verge, a Facebook spokesperson pushed rearmost on the intellection that content moderators aren't duplicitous to work from home and don't have sugar-coated protection. "We approbate the venerated work content reviewers do and we prioritize their health and safety. While we co-opt in obtaining an patulous internal dialogue, these discussions need to be honest," they wrote. "The majority of these 15,000 all-around content reviewers have been alive from home and will continue to do accordingly for the continuance of the pandemic. All of them have inauguration to health devilry and incognizable wellbeing resources from their first day of employment, and Facebook has exceeded health help on befitting fittings unscarred for any in-office work."


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