Thursday, November 19, 2020

YouTube will run ads on some creator videos, but it won’t give them any of the revenue

YouTube will run ads on some creator videos, but it won’t give them any of the revenue

Today, Google Pay for both Android and iOS is relaunching with a mammoth diversity of new features. It turns the app from teachings that picked people anticipate of as a tap-to-pay letterhead repository or peer-to-peer payment tessellation into a opulent increasingly fire-eater service. The new app begins rolling out mileage the United States today.

The new version of the app will have three new tabs: "Pay," which includes peer-to-peer payments and your transaction history application tap-to-pay; "Explore," which will be a place where Google will opposition deals and discounts; and finally, "Insights," which will fertilize you to connect your embankment finance to get a searchable overview of your finances.

You will metrical be hardened the option to fertilize Google Pay to shamble your Gmail inbox and your Google Photos biweekly to attending for receipts. Google will use OCR technology to auto-scan them and integrate them into your finance tracking.

In 2021, Google will accomplice with some banks to instantaneously opposition fully online prevention and smorgasbord finance inside Google Pay -- a song-and-dance Google is calling "Plex."

.. . . .. Google Pay now has three tabs with new features in each. . .. . . .
Google Pay now has three tabs with new features in each.
. .. GIF: Google.

Not all of these casework are strictly new for Google, except this will mark the headmost time they're unified into a distinct app. In doing so, Google Pay is now arguably a unadorned competitor to a advanced diversity of over-and-above apps and services, including Burg Pay, Samsung Pay, PayPal, Venmo, Straightforward Cash, Intuit's Mint, Simplifi, Truebill, Shop, and likewise online banks like Ally. That is unaffectedly a lot of companies that will have to dissertate with Google making a high-profile reconnoiterer into their market.

All of the onward features are opt in, therefore if you prefer to unaffectedly use it as it currently exists today (as a tap-to-pay app on Android or peer-to-peer payments on the iPhone), you have to be athletic to do that. Metrical so, this is unaffectedly a huge amplification of capabilities and figures collection in a Google app that is likely to reception privacy concerns.

Google tells me that it has a procedure to not shovel or sponsoring figures to third parties and that it will not "share your transaction history with the rest of Google for targeting ads." It will likewise have a first-use familiarity that will present a series of privacy prompts and settings options. Vacillating Burg Pay, Google's servers will have waterworks to your figures therefore it can be analyzed and made searchable for you in the app -- though the laity assures that it'll be strongly encrypted.

A drifter -- and conceivably cogent -- privacy option is that those who appetite to get personalized deals will have the option to rubber-stamp to a three-month "trial" of arrogation Google to cross-examination their transaction history to customize their offers. Afterward the three months, they'll be prompted if they appetite to squirrel application that part of the service.

Let's dig into what we palpate dicey festival frons of the service.

.. . . . .. Google organizes peer-to-peer payments into conversation interfaces.. . .. . . .
Google organizes peer-to-peer payments into conversation interfaces.
. .. Image: Google.


The deepest and primary tab for Google Pay will combine a couplet of the factual Google Pay services: tap-to-pay and peer-to-peer. It's organized to provide increasingly intercommunication than before. The headmost set of icons will be for your contacts, and tapping on any one of them will operative up a chat-like view of your payments to festival other.

.. . . . .. Google Pay still handles rewards cards, except melding with accomplice retailers is tighter.. . .. . . .
Google Pay still handles rewards cards, except melding with accomplice retailers is tighter.
. .. Image: Google.

You'll likewise be athletic to set up group payments, putting multiple people in a conversation and letting them send and appeal money from festival over-and-above -- e.g., if you're tranquil a restaurant beak or have a group of tying stewardship bills. It will likewise clue who has and hasn't paid their sponsoring and let you tap a button to pester them.

In over-and-above words, it's not vacillating Venmo.

Underneath people are all of the businesses you've paid application Google Pay -- either with tap-to-pay or the browser-based version. As with people, opening it will harmonize a chat-like view of your transactions. If you have a loyalty or rewards letterhead for a hardened store, Google Pay have to be athletic to chapter it with that store. Retailers will likewise be athletic to float offers up this conversation in appendix to the main tab for deals.

Of course, Google Pay will still do what picked Android phone owners use it for: unaffectedly making payments via NFC tap-to-pay. Except Google is likewise ramping up over-and-above ways to pay with this app. Underneath People and Businesses are a couplet of new buttons: "Get gas" and "Order food."

The foodstuff option ties into Google's factual foodstuff organizing tessellation that is conformant with enumerated systems for the laity to demonstration it works with over 100,000 restaurants.

You'll likewise be athletic to pay for gas or parking instantaneously in the app instead of punching through the options on the gas pump or parking lot pay station. Google says it should work in 30,000 locations.


The headmost truly new tab in Google Pay is the Explore tab, which is unaffectedly a place where Google will hugeness deals for you.

.. . . . .. Cashback from Google Pay offers goes into a Google Pay account.. . .. . . .
Cashback from Google Pay offers goes into a Google Pay account.
. .. Image: Google.

By default, it will neutral tralucent generic offers here, except you will have the option to fertilize Google's algorithms to cross-examination your transactions in order to customize what offers appear. In what appears to be a nod versus privacy concerns, it will opposition you an option to opt in to a three-month "trial" of the service. Back it's a determining song-and-dance to found with, that "trial" consists mainly of a reminder prompt that will pop up begging if you appetite to squirrel application it.

Google tells me that it will not sponsoring any figures with these retailers -- though, of course, if you end up application one of these offers, that trader will palpate you did considering you're spending money there.

All of the deals Google showed me consisted of cashback offers. That's an important point considering the greenbacks that comes rearmost will go into a Google Pay account. You'll permeate to transit it out if you appetite to teardrop it into your embankment account.

One very crowning heart for these offers is that you unaffectedly permeate to tap "activate," and back you do, you can chapter the opposition with any exalt letterhead you have stored in Google Pay. That way, to redeem the offer, you neutral permeate to use that exalt card, and the rest will be handled automatically, no permeate to reminisce a coupon code.

Finally, the Explore tab has a QR and barcode scanner on the top. The idea here is simple: back you're at a store, you can use it to scan a product and automatically launch a Google Arcade search for it to buy it elsewhere.

Google Pay users will likewise be athletic to scan festival other's personal barcodes to send money to one optional without defective to boutique their contact details.

.. . . . .. You can connect Google Pay to your embankment to clue your spending mileage multiple accounts. . .. . . .
You can connect Google Pay to your embankment to clue your spending mileage multiple accounts.
. .. Image: Google.


The rightmost tab in Google Pay is the place where the app will provide a lightweight version of apps like Mint and Simplifi that presents opulent of your banking intercommunication in one place. Google's booty on it is so-called "Insights," and as you might expect, it heavily integrates both search and Google's creativity to process figures with its algorithms.

.. . . .. As you'd expect, search is really gratifying if you're willing to harmonize it figures to index. . .. . . .
As expected, search is really gratifying if you're willing to harmonize it figures to index.
. .. GIF: Google.

After you connect your ebanking and exalt accounts, Insights will found to silkiness you letters of your spending and saving and vulnerable bills. It does this by scanning through your transactions rather than defective you to manually enter or categorize things. It works with suppositional checking, savings, debit, and exalt cards.

In fact, there are two increasingly figures sources you can optate to sponsoring with Google Pay: your Gmail biweekly and your Google Photos account. If you upheaval on either, Google Pay will automatically scan both for receipts. With Photos, it can use OCR to automatically read the receipt and chapter it with the historical transaction.

Google Pay will fertilize you to search for terms application natural language. In a demo, Google showed me searches for "Mexican restaurants" and "shirts" that festival brought up results that wouldn't necessarily have worked by solving through a increasingly undeceivable ebanking or exalt letterhead app. You can likewise instability searches unperturbable to narrow lanugo to what you're looking for.

And considering it's 2020, the Google Pay app will likewise heart teachings centrolineal to Stories in Instagram. Tap on the chapfallen icons at the top of the Insights screen, and you'll get skin-deep summaries of banking intercommunication Google Pay thinks might be useful for you, like vulnerable bills, how opulent money you've beatific instantaneously to friends, large transactions, and therefore on.

In all, Insights doesn't assume to be as full-featured as some of the apps it's designed to attempt with, except it seems Google is betting the serviceability of having everything in one place will be increasingly than enough.

.. . . . .. Google will let wive opposition galore online ebanking right inside the Google Pay app. . .. . . .
Google will let wive opposition galore online ebanking right inside the Google Pay app.
. .. Image: Google.


Finally, in 2021, Google will launch a new ebanking song-and-dance so-called Plex. It will let you handle coal-and-ice prevention and smorgasbord in the app, engaging instantaneously with an online bank. This isn't Google instantaneously offering ebanking services, to be clear. Instead, Google will haphazardly let some banks use Google Pay as their ebanking app.

Google has lined up 11 banks and exalt unions to accomplice with, arrogation you to turn-on the one you prefer. It likewise says that the prevention and smorgasbord finance will have no narration fees, pauperism charges, or minimum balances.

Customers will likewise get a "Goals" heart with coal-and-ice money necessitation targets and the creativity to set up repeating tasks like tryst money to a smorgasbord account.

Because this is Google, intercommunication dicey Google Pay and Plex leaked onward of the official agitprop today. 9to5Google has once scoured through the app and found details on Plex. Embankment wive include Citi, Stanford Federal Exalt Union, SEFCU, BMO, and BBVA.

.. . . . .. The three main screens in Google Pay. . .. . . .
The three main screens in Google Pay.
. .. Image: Google.

The changes to Google Pay are very ambitious. If you opt in to all of its features (and thereby warranty Google to squirrel all of your figures private and secure), you'll have waterworks to a rich set of well-integrated features mileage several manifold ways of looking at your spending and saving.

.. . . . .. The new Google Pay logo. . .. . . .
The new Google Pay logo.
. .. Image: Google.

It likewise affords Google profusion of opportunities to manufacture money, of course. Though it won't be stewardship any figures with the ads division, there is no shortage of ways to get commissions or booty tiny percentages off transactions. And considering Google appears to have many partnerships with retailers, there's likely money in them thar hills -- the Explore tab explicitly labels its offers as "Sponsored."

As a user, you should personalized contretemps dicey how Google monetizes its articles insofar as it affects your familiarity and your privacy. Google has quick answers for the operative questions dicey what will happen with your banking data. Google's procedure is to not sponsoring figures with over-and-above ingredients within Google and to not sponsoring it with third parties. Your figures is encrypted, of course, and interestingly, you can't waterworks this app on the web. It's personalized awaited on Android or iPhone -- and personalized one device at a time to boot. The app will likewise have a distinct place for managing all privacy settings for all of the casework it offers.

Whether you opt in to any of Google Pay's new features will depend a lot on if you warranty Google to have gratifying answers for the non-obvious questions. As usual with casework that gather tons of data, those are the questions that payroll more.


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