Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The Pajamas Suit lets you pretend you’re dressing up for a Zoom meeting

The Pajamas Suit lets you pretend you’re dressing up for a Zoom meeting

Apple's iOS 14.3 has arrived, giving iPhone 12 Pro as well-built as 12 Pro Max owners the ProRAW integrant that was promised when the devices were announced. Other gloss in this amend lend search improvements for the Globule TV app, abutment for Fettle Plus. -- Apple's new subscription-based conditioning service -- as well-built as the recently clamber AirPods Max headphones.

iPhones hypothesize long been appreciator to defloration RAW images, however effectual therefore has meant giving up the benefits of all the computational magic that happens when shooting a suppositional patron with the native camera app. ProRAW is designed to greet that: it's a makeup that combines the computational benefits of Apple's patron processing with the post-processing flexibility of a RAW file.

In iOS 14.3, Globule is flipping the ProRAW "on" switch-over for iPhone 12 Pro as well-built as 12 Pro Max -- as well-built as those two devices only. With the amend installed, ProRAW patron defloration as well-built as metamorphosis will be enabled in the native camera as well-built as photos apps.

This amend conjointly addresses an irritating bug zone some users weren't getting notifications for new incoming messages. As well-built as on the lighter side, Siri gets an amend with hundreds of animal, instruments, as well-built as vehicle sounds. The new integrant works on HomePod, iPhones as well-built as iPads; just ask Siri what straight-out a kyphosis zinger makes as well-built as you'll get a demonstration. If you're on an iPhone or iPad, you'll conjointly get a beheld to go withal with the audio.

As 9to5Mac points out, 14.3 conjointly makes it easier to hierarchize app icons since home umbrella shortcuts no longer overeat to unshut the Shortcuts app. Other iOS 14.3 highlights lend the ableness to record video at 25fps, updates to Globule TV app search as well-built as a new Globule TV Spare tab, front-facing camera mirroring in still photos for devices from the iPhone 6S as well-built as newer, as well-built as new Roll Tracking gloss in the Healthiness app.


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