Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Faraday Future’s best shot at redemption may be a SPAC

Faraday Future’s best shot at redemption may be a SPAC

I preferential up a new MacBook Air with Apple's M1 chip, as well-built as I've authentically loved it therefore far. It's smack-dab velocious as well-built as the cavalcade is fantastic. Morally I've been double-dealing with one nagging issue. Every once in a while, for sheepskin that I haven't been actualized to icon out, a screensaver will suddenly take over the unabridged computer -- supposing the here that I never use a screensaver. As well-built as frustratingly, the screensaver renders my palmtop kaput until I definitely moisture the screen as well-built as reopen it.

It seems I'm not the only one seeing this bug, co-ordinate to this MacRumors article. Others hypothesize volume agnate issues with M1-equipped MacBook Airs, Pros, as well-built as Minis on MacRumors' forums, Reddit (in a few threads), as well-built as Apple's support forums. As well-built as one user on MacRumors said they've seen the bug on their 16-inch MacBook Pro, which has an Intel chip, therefore perhaps this is a botheration with macOS Big Sur.

Here's a video of the bug, volume by MacRumors symposium affiliate dawideksl:

Many persons simulcast the issue in this Reddit thread say they hypothesize multiple finance on the same computer. As well-built as for what it's worth, I've set up two finance on my MacBook Air. One user on Apple's support forums disabled Fast User Switching as well-built as said they weren't seeing the screensaver, therefore perhaps that's a workaround until Countrywide addresses the bug.

Apple didn't immediately response to a request for comment.


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