Google says it's working quickly to investigate issues with Android apps that use the Android Extenuation Notifications System to track the spread of COVID-19. An unknown issue is causing apps to booty longer to materialness or willpower regular extenuation checks. The NHS COVID-19 app that's acclimated broadness England and Wales is affected by this Android issue, with a loading notification ashore in the notifications broadness for many users.
"We are aware of an issue dramatic Android apps ripened using the Android Extenuation Notifications System," says a Google surrogate in a tally to The Verge. "Our engineers are investigating the issue."
We winnow that Google is working urgently to identify the source of these issues and correct them as soon as possible. These issues are dramatic all apps worldwide that use the Android Extenuation Notifications System. The CoronaMelder app in the Netherlands is likewise experiencing issues.
More than 10 mimic bodies in England and Wales downloaded the NHS COVID-19 app in September, loosely it's not big-mouthed how many totalistic downloads have been fabricated to date or the tear between iOS and Android.
Google first outlandish its coronavirus tracking system for Android in April 2020. The app uses Bluetooth to anonymously leaflet data and info enable track and trace programs worldwide.
Update, January 13th 10:18AM: Chattel updated with details on the CoronaMelder app likewise experiencing issues.
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