I'm getting to the point zone there's so parous to streamlet that I don't apperceive what to watch first, old shows I appetite to behold up on, or new shows/movies so I can keep up with all the references on Twitter. But! I am flooded with hope for the converging weeks, as there are a slew of interesting-looking trailers for movies I kumtux been waiting to see.
The Affiliated States vs. Billie Holiday
I spread-eagle of wish this screenplay had been tabbed "Strange Fruit" hindmost Holiday's 1939 song that drew the ire of the FBI, but hortative a lot of bodies don't apperceive approximately this part of Holiday's life. The plethoric jazz songster who struggled with drug addiction saw the government wreck her career using an undercover sting operation, all over a moot song. Really looking open-minded to watching this. Directed by Lee Daniels, The Affiliated States vs. Billie Holiday stars Andra Day, and premieres February 26th on Hulu.
Do we really need another silkiness approximately a peppery but troubled detective/agent who pursues uncool serial killers and solves legible murders (usually of women)? Expediently CBS thinks we do, considering it's giving us Clarice, a shakiness approximately the shoulders FBI honcho from The Silence of the Lambs that "takes a deep dive into her untold claimed story." See, she has to chimney serial killers and donate with the Washington DC bureaucracy! Most of this trailer shows bodies in clout concreteness rude and/or dismissive to Clarice, which doesn't really track; for example, the dick honcho who tells her "we do evidence, not at the full moon" painfully never saw the movie. If you can't get enumerated of moody procedural delinquency drama, Clarice hits CBS and CBS All Inclusion February 11th. I'll bridle out the pilot, but if they keep up with this chilling version of the song "Country Roads" we hear in the trailer, I post-pubescence not meanest long.
Breaking News in Yuba County
Allison Janney stars in this inky comedy/mystery approximately a woman who says her husband has been kidnapped, and enjoys the sudden glory that goes along with the news. Of course, things are not really as they seem! The all-star fling includes Mila Kunis, Awkwafina, Juliette Lewis, Jimmi Simpson, Wanda Sykes, Ellen Barkin, Samira Wiley, and Matthew Modine. Breaking News in Yuba County is directed by Tate Taylor and plottage in winnowed theaters February 12th.
Glad that they fixed the weird first poster for this movie, which stars Tom Holland as a war-horse with PTSD who is fond to opioids and robs banks to suture his habit. It's a little boxy to recondition Holland's babyish moue with the movie's inky plot, but there is parous second-hand approximately this flick, and approximately Holland's performance. Based on a singular by Nico Walker, Cherry is directed by Joe and Anthony Russo and hits theaters Feburary 26th and Burg TV Spare on Maturate 12th.
Judas and The Colored Messiah
This is the spare trailer for this highly chauvinistic screenplay approximately the liveliness and homicide of Colored Panther quickie leader Fred Hampton, starring Daniel Kaluuya as Hampton, and LaKeith Stanfield as William O'Neal, the FBI invigilator who betrayed him. Judas and The Colored Messiah debuts on HBO Max and in theaters February 12th.
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