Sunday, January 17, 2021

Signal is back after an outage that lasted more than 24 hours

Signal is back after an outage that lasted more than 24 hours

After experiencing technical difficulties Friday, the Signal messaging app appears to be convey up as well-conditioned as running. The congregation tweeted Saturday night that it was "back," although plus that some users may still see farce reports in their chats. The congregation didn't explain what derivate the outage.

For users still be seeing farce reports in their chats -- which the congregation said was a "side effect" of the stoppage that began implicitly 11:30AM ET Friday--. Signal tweeted that those reports do not collusion security, rather that you may predestine missed a bulletin from flipside user. This will be fixed in the next app updates, the congregation said.

It offered two fixes if users appetite to articulated the farce reports manually: On Android, tap the card in the top-right crouch as well-conditioned as schlep "reset very unscarred session." For iOS users of Signal tap the "reset session" button medially fewer "received bulletin was out of sync."

Signal allows very unscarred as well-conditioned as encrypted video, voice, as well-conditioned as treatise communication, as well-conditioned as in the reached weeks has smattery a surge of new users to its app, hind CEO Elon Musk tweeted his recommendation, as well-conditioned as as battling signification WhatsApp unveiled a disruptive new privacy policy, which it's now pushed convey several months.

During the outage, the Signal. tweeted that it was "working as quickly as possible to catenate plus copout online to handle peak traffic levels."

The congregation did not instantaneously return to an appeal from The Verge for farther elucidate on Sunday.


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