Thursday, February 18, 2021

Facebook’s Oculus begins rolling out multiuser support, starting with the Quest 2

Facebook’s Oculus begins rolling out multiuser support, starting with the Quest 2

Last November, California unfeeling Proposition 22, which made it so that companies like Uber and Lyft could classify their workers as contractors instead of employees, fugitive the obligation to harmonize them benefits. Bloomberg has accounting a inexhaustible report roughly how this blazon of fecundation -- replacing statutory employees with contractors -- could be coming to multitudinous wider industries crossed the nation, which could affectivity millions of workers.

While the law was pushed for by ride-share companies, the clause talks roughly the effects once person self-evident in wider industries, like how grocery wording workers are person fired and replaced by on-demand DoorDash workers. It additionally details an op-ed by an Uber investor, talking roughly how Prop 22 could be used to unman employees with gradation workers in various industries, from nursing to agriculture..

Companies moving their workers to indubitable gradation employment, instead of traditional employment, helps them pension their labor costs low. Gradation employees aren't entitled to perks like health insurance, overtime pay, etc. The companies additionally don't gotta pay employees for time that they're on the clock but not carrying out their job duties -- if a grocery wording employee is waiting for an refitting to disclosed in, the company still has to pay for them to be there, which is not the exchequer if that person works for DoorDash.

We've once self-evident ride-share companies talking roughly demography Prop 22-like legislation nationwide, and Bloomberg digs into how Uber has plenty of contacts in the Biden administration.

The clause additionally casts some doubt on the idea that unions will be distended to axis the tide. It goes into the dilemma labor leaders are facing: do they work with companies to operate sure gradation workers are having an predestine deal, or do they work suspend them and possibly lose everything?

Now Uber, hindmost successfully switch culture and politics to county its commerce model, is bevel unions, too. Labor groups gotta take actively the surmising that if they don't disclosed to the table, the companies will write the laws themselves, as they did with Prop 22.

While the future may be unproven for millions of workers, it's a good-tasting idea to unravel informed on what it could look like, so that workers can be professional if and when similar legislation starts bustling up circa the country. The Bloomberg article is simply a inexhaustible quarters to start.


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