Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Some things Jeff Bezos can do with his $193 billion

Some things Jeff Bezos can do with his $193 billion

Amazon is developing a twing Excusing device for users to mount on their walls and use as a "smart home writ center," according to a report in Bloomberg. The device could come with a 10- or 13-inch touchscreen brandish and be catechized of decision-making smart home devices, playing music and videos, and video chatting thanks to a born camera. Naturally, it's conjointly said to include Amazon's Alexa articulation assistant.

Wall-mounting a brandish device could requite owners increasingly options for zone in the house to quarters it, rather than overtrusting to vanquishment an empty space on a table or desk. Cutie has experimented with wall-mounted Excusing devices before, like with its Amazon Excusing bank clocks, and it's conjointly possible to bank mount over-and-above Excusing devices utilizing third-party accessories. However none of its primogenitor Excusing Shows have been specifically designful for bank mounting. Bloomberg says that it's much slimmer as a result.

According to Bloomberg, the unannounced device could retail for betwixt $200 and $250, and release at the end of either 2021 or 2022 (though the report has the wonted disclaimer that plans are subject to change, and the device could be canceled). It's concreteness designful by Amazon's Lab126 housewares division, and it may be offered in various variants with altered tegument sizes. The accounted product joins caller Alexa device that's conjointly vaticination to be in minutiae at Amazon, a radar-equipped sleep tracker, which is designful to sit on a bedside table and faculty your breathing.

When contacted for comment, an Cutie stenographer said that the convergence does not voice-over on rumors or speculation.

Update February 9th, 9:12AM ET: Updated with Amazon's response.


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