We explain how to make your own fat balls, which these animals adore, so that you can help the birds in your garden get through the winter months when insects are scarce and the ground freezes. Now that winter has arrived, it's critical to ensure our bird friends have enough to eat.
You can make fat balls from ingredients you already have at home as an easy and affordable way to give them an extra meal. There are various types of fat balls. The trainer at the LPO Auvergne (Bird Protection League), Adrien Corsi, explains why he prefers homemade fat balls over those you can buy in stores:.
There is frequently a lot of food waste when you purchase one that is industrial. These fat balls may not be the best option in terms of nutrition or digestion.
Because we will be eating simple, regulated foods, the fat ball we make at home will be the best. Bakery waste can be found in supermarkets in place of certain balls of industrial grease; this is merely an evaluation of the agro-food sector, which will ultimately cause more harm than good.
Additionally, he draws attention to yet another drawback of pre-made fat balls: "Depending on the type of net, some birds can get their feet stuck in them and hang. A recipe for making your own fat ball The LPO trainer provides the following instructions: "To make your own fat ball, you first need fat.
Choosing a fat with vegetable origin is frequently advised because it is more readily digestible by a wide variety of species. The most well-known brand of coconut oil is Vegétaline, and this can be either margarine or coconut oil.
This fat is combined with a number of seeds. It is functional after we put a string inside and freeze it in the refrigerator.
We are going to choose a variety of seeds, as Adrien Corsi explains in detail how to choose well what we are going to add to the fat. The highest quality and most lipid-rich is black sunflower.
Additionally, you could add wheat, as well as pieces of fruit, like apples. Walnuts and hazelnuts are additional options.
It has been perfectly adjusted to the diet of birds. andgt;.
Additionally, you can make the balls out of cut plastic bottles or empty egg cartons. The plan is to allow everything to cool down after that. "You can leave everything to set in the fridge overnight and that's more than enough," the expert advises.
Pretty quickly, the fat begins to freeze. Choosing the string carefully is another important consideration.
According to Adrien Corsi, "If you want to hang the ball from a tree, you can put a string. The process must be organic.
Avoid using plastic wires that are too often solid and could trap the feet of the birds. The fat balls can then be hung from a tree or a bird feeder, but be careful during the thaw: "As long as the temperatures are cold, the fat ball can stay outside.
If there is a significant thaw, you need to take extra precautions because the fat will become softer as a result of the increase in temperature. The possibility exists that the bird will smear its feathers.
Fat plumage is plumage that is unprotected from the cold and from the winter. As for the size of these fat balls, the LPO trainer says: "For the size, there is no ideal.
We carry out our work in accordance with the mold we will have on hand or the species we will encounter in the field. They can grab onto a larger, fatter ball when there are pigeons or starlings present.
He maintains that the use of processed food should be minimized for the benefit of the birds. Concerning what will be ingested, you must constantly worry.
Additionally, some foods, like avocados, have the potential to be lightning poison. The best is to pick berries like those found on holly, pyracantha, and ivy, or to be content with basic seeds and dried fruits.
Although it takes a little more work, there is an alternative to fat balls. The mixture with the margarine and the seeds must be placed right in the holes of a small wooden trunk after being given a few holes to drill in it.
In this way, the birds are able to cling to the trunk naturally and use their beaks to access the food at the bottom of the hole. According to Adrien Corsi, this keeps the birds' feathers clean and makes it more natural for them to look in a hole rather than at a glob of grease.
Remember that water is important. It reminds us that we should present water without restriction. Both drinking it and washing with it are common uses.
Additives must not be present. If it freezes, consider breaking the ice and putting water in it.
Everything from the bakery, including bread, must be eradicated. It is extremely bad because it has too much salt in it.
Additionally, it has the potential to cause stomach swelling and is not very nourishing. Additionally, foods that are salty or sweet should be avoided.
In contrast to mammals, birds do not pass salt in their urine. In the end, we'll stay away from all dairy products because the birds lack the enzymes needed to digest even the smallest amount of lactose bacteria.
A fun and educational activity for a family to do together is to make fat balls to feed the birds. VS'.
In this way, the birds are able to cling to the trunk naturally and use their beaks to access the food at the bottom of the hole.
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